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  • re your rep comment: Not sure! I just tend to type the first thing that pops into my mind!
    Thanks, but I don't need it now :D
    I was on weed and DXM, for the most part. I've never done any hard drugs, but those were enough to mess with my emotional state. I like being clear-headed because I can do so much. I used to think I needed a drug in some form for my mood to be stable, and I probably did, when I was at my worst, but I realize I'm fine now. If you think your life is in danger etc. etc. right now, then you should probably take them. What have you been on, that you've been feeling the clouding effect?
    Yes, it can be a lot of work. I find I've been dealing with issues that, for some reason or other, I'd been avoiding. I was sort of carrying them around, but I never realized it. I was sitting in a library and started crying out of (seemingly) nowhere. My nose started running and that's how everyone knew. Haha. Good times.
    Yeah, so I guess the drugs and stuff were keeping me from confronting these things-- and thinking logically. Do you relate on any level?
    I'm fine. It's all in my latest blog post why I'm feeling a little down. But I am honestly better than I have ever been, except as a child.
    Thank you (:
    Are YOU ok?
    Not too bad, just been dealing with all my FEELINGS!!!
    But, really, I'm great. Just been moody, but that's nothing new for anyone around here.
    that's what I'm thinking. I feel lighter after a good cry so now I'm just letting it happen when I feel like it and am just going to go with it. It feels good.
    Hello there. Thank you. I am going to be okay. Crying helps a lot. I almost never do it and so it's a relief to be able to. I'm enjoying it, strangely enough. It's all part of the growth process.
    ... They felt disrespected etc. So the staff got very annoyed by all of these people whom I assume they probably thought to be just general aggravators and basically indy got stressed out and posted a video where he basically blew a gasket and announced he was leaving the forums. He hung around on personality nation for awhile after that but I don't think he's around much of anywhere anymore, idk. But anyway, that's the story, or at least my biased interpretation of it.
    Indy had planned to leave anyway, but basically the rep system got reset because it was entirely a mess and different people were working off different scales (something I personally pushed for a change in). There was a forum backlash about the reset to some extent because some long standing members felt they didn't get enough of a say in their bars being removed, that the staff (in particular Indy) tried to move into making a private matter by closing threads and trying to push all opposition into private discussion, but it couldn't really be contained because of the way the relationships on this forum are, and trying to cover it up pissed a lot of people off...
    May I add you as a forum friend? I can't remember if I was on your friend list before or not so I figure it's better to ask before sending the request.
    I'm a 4th generation woodworker, actually. None of them really went at it whole hog and tried to make it as an actual business like I have, but that is how I became inspired. Basically I was in HVAC school and hating every second of it, trying to find SOME way out of being stuck building furnaces for the rest of my life. So I started my own business in fathers home shop and it started to take off a bit after about 6 months or so, so I dropped out of HVAC school and went into doing it full time. I've been doing it for almost 4 years now. I sell mostly to people I know or people my family or friends know, I haven't done much in the way of "mainstream advertising" so to speak and I still do my work at my fathers house, but overall it's growing and makes me happy.
    I deleted my two most recent private blog entries, I wanted to let you know I read your comment though and appreciate your support.
    I really haven't analyzed you enough to be able to type you and have anything meaningful to say. Sorry. My only guess would be INFJ and that is just cause we are on an INFJ forum. See how meaningless that was?
    Sure, take your time. No worries. :)

    Who I think I am?
    I know this isn't a trick question, but... Oh dear. It's such a difficult question to answer.
    Is there anything specific I can tell you about? :P
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