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  • I mostly just listen t a lot f music, browse the internet lol

    I been procrastinating n my summer homework.
    Nah, that's not pathetic.
    Some people can't even do a headstand.
    And that's not pathetic either, just sorta funny to watch (:
    but then maybe I have a sick sense of humour.

    What colour are your eyes?
    Nah, I think you should keep it :), personally I have not reading it but I am always glad to read anything, and try to response as best as I can :)

    thank you!!!

    Uhm. I'm just average.
    And yeah, that's a picture of me.
    I was really fun that day. Hahahaha
    It was fun (:

    I have brownish hair.
    It depends how much sun I've been in.
    sometimes it's dark sometimes it is lighter
    sometimes if I've been lifeguarding a lot it turns reddish.
    And I hate that because it makes me look like my mama.

    I'm relatively pale as well though I tan very easily so I'm on the tanner side of the spectrum at the moment.
    Just normal.

    Is that what you meant by about myself or do you mean for fun or that kinda thing?
    I'm bad at answering open-ended non-direct questions. Even though those are generally better for most people. I need guidance and assuredness.

    How long can you do a headstand for?
    I'm trying to picture you in my mind.
    This is difficult considering I've no clue what you look like.
    It won't kill you
    and if you don't push yourself way too hard, it shouldn't make you sick.

    How tall are you?
    I'm not going to trek to the orient and hunt you down sir.

    It's worth it.
    Plus I like to sweat.
    Asia is a pretty big continent.

    I like to run.
    I relish in the endorphin release.
    I wake up ridiculously early every day to run.

    And then spend the rest of the day being exhausted.

    Where are you?
    That's essentially what it's about.

    Why you up so early, boy?
    I enjoyed it (:

    It was a gift though, from a male amour so I may have pretended to love it more than I actually enjoyed it...
    The same.

    I've been moving.
    And vacuuming is making me all hot and sticky.
    I don't think that test does either.

    I'm not sure on its accuracy.
    :D Develop thyself and do not bow to anyone.
    Not nearly enough Sith Lords equals, Welcome to the Brotherhood of the Sith.
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