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  • I don't mind stalkers if they bring me presents; unless they bite, then they get a spray bottle to the face.

    I am looking forward to reading it!
    OATMEAL! What a nice and thoughtful gift, thank you!

    *om nom nom nom*

    So what brings you here? Was it the smell of freshly brewed coffee?
    What??? Afraid?? AFRAID!!!


    No, you shouldn't be afraid! Wait.... Nevermind.... yea, I was right. Do you have any oatmeal?
    I'm not having sex again until I am in love with someone.
    I've taken this vow of celibacy with a friend, however I keep forgetting I'm celibate.

    If you do end up increasing your sex life, wash your bedding often. No one likes sleeping in dirty sheets.

    I wish you the best of luck on your endeavors and may I also suggest that you start looking for a house a year before you need one. All the good houses get taken early and quickly. The sooner you sign the lease for one, the better. Plus it's better to get it out of the way before you get too far into the semester and you're loaded with projects and finals prep.
    Well, she only wanted to set sex hours because Brittany and Brian frequently have loud sex. I don't really have much sex so she was hoping that I would be on her side. However I found the idea ludicrous and terribly ridiculous and selfish. You cannot set hours between which to have sex. That sort of ruins the mood. Scheduling it into your daily life. When I didn't take her side (mainly because I was considering a casual sex partner at the time) she was appalled and hurt but I stood my ground. Now she just bitches a lot because no males (that she thinks are attractive) are interested in her. To be honest it's because she's very intimidating and comes off hostile. Not something that readily turns a man on. She was displacing her jealous emotions. Her entire life is centered around men. It's a bit disgusting.

    If they do break up, one of them could find somewhere else to live and just sublet their spot on the lease. Unless they were thinking of sharing a room and then they're fucked.
    Oh, and I mentioned the whole sex thing because one of my housemates (who's never had sex) wanted to set hours between which the rest of us could have sex that way she wouldn't have to hear it.
    I vetoed that idea.
    That is super effing unwise.
    Early twenties is also too young to be seriously living with your significant other.
    Too much time together is too much time together.
    But then when it comes to relationships, I like my space, so this could just be my views on the subject.

    Right now my housemate Brittany has her boyfriend, Brian, living with us. They live together, they work together, they do everything together. It has been this way for the past three months. Depending on the sort of people that your friends are, it could work. However it's also a very easy way to ruin a relationship.
    Whether or not you have the same taste in music as your housemates, their sexual habits, and try to find a house that is only a one story building. Two story will increase your electric/gas (depending on your furnace type) ten-fold over the winter months.

    It's also a good idea to determine what you will share and what you will not share when first settling into the house.
    Living off campus is easily way better than living on.
    At Ball you pay about 1200 a month to live on campus on top of tuition fees and class fees. My rent is three hundred a month, utilities total are about fifty per person at most a month (split between three of us), I don't eat a lot so my grocery bill isn't very drastic either. All in all I spend about $400 - $450 a month to live off of campus. I have two jobs and am double majoring and do just fine. However, I wouldn't suggest living with a bunch of people. I like having two housemates, three if we count the man that my housemate Brittany is dating that is constantly over. But he covers utilities to it's nice. I guess I'm not really home a lot so it works out well for me.
    I wish I could, but they include bus fees in our tuition whether we use them or not. D:
    They did a pretty crap job of clearing the sidewalks last year, but I think it was due to the continuously bad weather not giving enough the maintenance guys enough time. I did try scanning and printing everything rather than copying. It has saved me money. Plus it helps to have digital copies that you can forward to friends.

    Do you really think it's a good idea to get out of the dorms? I mean, I know it's different from college to college, but I tried to get out (with a group of 10 people/friends who lived on the same floor as me because I was both stupid and ambitious) last year, but failed. I'm going to keep trying, but I'm afraid i'll be worse than living in a dorm. My uncle told me he kept moving back in and out when he was in college, because it was too much of a pain. I don't know.
    And I know this because I've casually dated a few people that attend IU.
    Oh yes, it does.
    It adds up very quickly.
    I definitely suggest living off of campus. I also don't think the bus passes at IU are worth it. Walking is good for you and they're fairly good at keeping paths paved during the winter. Also; this winter isn't supposed to be particularly harsh so I would almost say you're better off not spending the extra money. Also; don't ever use the copiers in the library and such, just scan the papers and print them. It's a little cheaper that way. Or just scan whatever you need and put them online somewhere and use them that way. Much much better on costs.
    No, I turned Brown down... I regret this very much.

    University presidents are all about money.money.money. Lying to you is the best way to ensure profit. Especially freshmen.
    My best friends go to school in San Fran.
    I hate Ball State, I love San Francisco, I got into Berkeley, so why not?
    I've also been considering Brown, which is where I wanted to go in the first place, but stupidly turned down.

    All schools lie. It's part of the appeal.
    The music program at IU is full of a lot of pretentious people, just a warning.
    But I think every music program suffers from this issue.

    Right now, I go to Ball State. However I'm more that likely going to transfer next semester to Berkeley. I went to the University of Chicago for quite some time, I absolutely loved it there. I'm double majoring in chemistry and genetics and minoring in economics. I never knew IU had a strong business program.
    That's cute.
    (I'm just kidding, it's not cute, I just wanted to say that this morning. Perfect opportunity.) Did you go to William Henry Harrison? I loathe Purdue's campus, I adore IU's, though. It's absolutely beautiful. I enjoy large campuses.
    What are you majoring in?
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