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  • I like your avatar. I think I am also cleverly disguised as an adult... or maybe not so cleverly...
    Thank you for the nice rep comment! (There are two of them, just next to impossible to get them to stand still long enough to have both in the same photo.)
    Thank you, But I have yet to hit 100 posts and I am yet under attack again. I do not feel welcomed and I am sure I am not going to last. I am being judged on the actions of members past or some people do not get my sense of irony.
    Again, I appreaciate your message.
    My wife and kids support my darkside habbit, 100%. I'm willing to give you a job as full-time poster maker for the dark side if you switch. You get free cookies!
    Thanks Sumone - it was fun writing it - I kept wanting to go back and add to it, just because it was fun, not because we needed more Crowing about it - hahahahhaa!
    Thank you, Sumone. That's very sweet and kind, but those are the qualities I admire most in you.
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