Recent content by SweetDreams

  1. SweetDreams

    What tasks do you have to psyche yourself up for?

    Things I feel conflicted in...sometimes I want to try doing things, except I also attempt to talk myself out of it because I feel like I won't be good at it.
  2. SweetDreams

    planning ahead

    haha yeah I use the iphone calendar!
  3. SweetDreams

    Pet Peeves

    People who walk in groups that block the pathway so that you can't get past them. People who don't reply to a text/email etc when a response is required. People who don't leave me alone when I've asked politely (mainly the fam. that do this) This would have to be one that really, really annoys...
  4. SweetDreams

    planning ahead

    I have a diary, and I also use the calendar function on my phone to note things that are coming up in the near future ie. assignments, social events etc. I never have a detailed plan about what exactly I want to complete and when, but I do like to have an idea of when I'd like to have something...
  5. SweetDreams

    INFJ Dating Bible or: How to Date an INFJ

    uberrogo I didn't know if he saw me as someone that he could potentially marry...not everyone thinks about their relationships that seriously. i think it was more of a casual, "oh hey I kind of like her, let's see where this goes". I had only known him for a few months before he wanted to make...
  6. SweetDreams

    Alice down the rabbit hole: where would you go?

    back to where we came from...wherever that may be.
  7. SweetDreams

    What impresses you?

    A good heart. Sometimes you get such a genuine vibe from people that it makes you feel all fuzzy inside (if that word can be used in a non-romantic context).
  8. SweetDreams

    INFJ Dating Bible or: How to Date an INFJ

    I'm not sure if i'm an infj, but I can definitely identify with most of those things on that list. I especially love this quote because it really hit home. I finally met someone I really liked, but I couldn't commit to them because the whole "lets be in a relationship'' thing was so rushed and I...
  9. SweetDreams

    How do you see yourself in various stages of your life

    Well I haven't been on this planet for too long, but I think that my teenage years were the times where I was embracing self-discovery, and became interested in psychology. Compared to the person I was when I was 15, I've definitely come a long way. At the moment I'm trying to figure out what...
  10. SweetDreams

    How do you feel about makeup?

    Oh wow it seems like I should give it a fair go! I think that's where I was going wrong. Silly me! I applied it to my whole face.
  11. SweetDreams

    How do you interact with intuitives?

    lol I actually couldn't stop laughing at this because it reminds me of how I felt at my cousin's birthday party, where 99% of people exhibited those qualities. I'm not sure if she refers to me as her "weird little emo" cousin (well, big cousin) but she probably does secretly behind my back to...
  12. SweetDreams

    Competition and the INFJ

    I was about to post something along the exact same lines. For me it's always about competing against my self in a sense, doing the best that I can personally do. I want to make sure that I'm achieving all that I'M capable of, as high or low as that may be. It's never about other people. Haha I...
  13. SweetDreams

    How do you feel about makeup?

    Yeah I think constantly wearing makeup makes the problem worse, but I still need my temporary mask to make me feel good haha! Yes we do! Funny you should mention it...I actually have a 60ml bottle at home. I tried it only once or twice and didn't actually like the way it felt on my skin, and I...
  14. SweetDreams

    How do you feel about makeup?

    I never really used to be a makeup person, however I have acne scars that make me really self-conscious, so covering up makes me feel more confident. My daily going out routine includes concealer, mineral powder, eyeliner, mascara, and usually a moisturising lip balm. I have tried to go to the...
  15. SweetDreams

    MBTI type and religious preference...

    I would call myself a "spiritual" person. Only because I can't commit to being a firm believer in any one religion. I guess I have a strong set of moral guidelines I live by, which is shared by devout followers of some of the major religions. For example one of my beliefs (no premarital sex)...