That Girl
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  • *mumble mumble garble garble* luckily I can talk with my fingers right now, I'm bout to head onto the back deck and see for myself to see what sorta day its gonna be. We were sposed to have rain forecasted all weekend long, my garden needs it but it can't handle too much more of that strong wind.

    How you doin?
    The chicken question was just a not so funny reference to a Kentucky fried chicken firm, I had to do it. :D But while we are at the vegetarian topic, I'm considering to become one, at first probably faux-vegetarian like you, and will see where will that take me.

    Omg, I feel like I woke up from a very long dream, I can't explain how good I feel. I started working at that utility company/power plant and so far it's better than I could ever imagine. I'll write about it a bit later in my blog.

    Other than that my half Siamese cat is looking for a mate, and she is so loud that no one gets to sleep if she is not sleeping at the same time. :D
    How long you'll be absent? Just so that we prepare for missing you here.

    Btw, are you preparing for eating some fried chicken? :D

    Tall, thin and opressed.

    Red head.

    Quite an impressive fringe;P

    Green eyes, look rather empty.

    I have two facial expressions. Bored and unhappy!

    Never heard of them.

    I get punk too!:D

    Due to the studs and red hair methinks.
    You're just an interesting person. tl;dr: Your views and how you express them. Which is pretty much...everything now that I think about it! Sorry for the unhelpful answer, lol. (I also like how my tl;dr ended up being longer than my original statement)
    I'm interesting? I am interesting. What exactly made you think this though? Also, you're interesting as well :D
    Skater? Huh?


    But I do get emo/goth a lot.


    Poor attempt to characterise me.

    I guess I am generally very unhappy and androgynous.
    I also.... Have a watch... That looks exactly like a black and white armband...
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