Recent content by TheDevvil156

  1. TheDevvil156

    [INFJ] How is a broken INFJ like?

    Thanks.For the time tht I posted this I had therapy and I payed off I am not numb anymore but I can shut down empathy at will now(When something violent happens I go numb in 2 or 3 minutes.But thanks :)
  2. TheDevvil156

    Do lyrics enhance or distract from music?

    Depends on the song and the singer.If the singer sings and you can't really understand the words yes they are good but the lyrics distract me more.
  3. TheDevvil156

    What Monster from Folklore Protects you?

    So I will not be ate, in this life at least.
  4. TheDevvil156

    What Monster from Folklore Protects you?

    Well let's see what the world get's.I post it for fun XD
  5. TheDevvil156

    [INFJ] Atheism

    I am happy that I could find someone like you.At least you listened to me.And sorry if I upset you with something(I think I done it to you or somebody else.My brain is messed up)
  6. TheDevvil156

    [INFJ] Atheism

    I am misunderstood too.And yes that is language barrier.If I am mistyped for INFJ well I don't have an idea why.Some say that I am a thinker and some a feeler people have mixed opinions about me As mysdlf I will be considered as a feeler.I was to the school counselor today and shr said that...
  7. TheDevvil156

    [INFJ] Atheism

    Hope you have one too
  8. TheDevvil156

    [INFJ] Atheism

    Yes.When you can(I am from Romania so our time zones might not corelate soyes if you want to tell someting tell it now. :) )
  9. TheDevvil156

    [INFJ] Atheism

    Thank you.I am paranoid most of times now.
  10. TheDevvil156

    [INFJ] Atheism

    I am not trying that.I know that I should keep thing to myself.I don't mean to offend or upset a member.Sorry for the people that I had upset with my posts sorry :(
  11. TheDevvil156

    [INFJ] Atheism

    I am not bothered by no one's opinion.I am calm.Agnostism is fine but when you have a fanatic in your family that can be hard to deal.Well I am not an extreme Atheist I just really believe that is god but he might be by a slight chance.God is there for the one who believes.But it matters some...
  12. TheDevvil156

    [INFJ] Atheism

    How can Atheism affect one's life?
  13. TheDevvil156

    What is the Normal IQ Range of INFJ?

    I know that but INFJ usually make choices based on feeling/moral code so a high EQ is good but high IQ would help us but not so high we don't make most of our decisions based on logic
  14. TheDevvil156

    What is the Normal IQ Range of INFJ?

    We read people mostly and IQ helps us with things like math
  15. TheDevvil156

    [INFJ] How is a broken INFJ like?

    Sorry not native English speaker.I write from mobile and it's kinda old and I have lot of spelling errors from this phone