[INFJ] Atheism

Not believing in God is one thing, but actively trying to disprove His existence and looking down on those that believe in him is another. And that hate generated from the latter is negative energy which festers inside the perpetrated as well as those targeted.

Live and let live I think, either way.
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It takes just as much faith to be an Atheist as it does to be a Christian, in my opinion. I think the wisest answer is accepting that we don't know. (Agnosticism)

But to answer your question. It could affect your life in mixed ways. It depends on you. If you're prepared for heated discussions to prove your stance on this and that, where in order to feel okay, you may have to distance yourself from the judgement of others. If you can't do that, it's probably better to just say you don't want to argue. If you can however, and those comments don't bother you then you're good to go as long as that is what you truly believe, you have a right to do so! Christians go through that too, but not as much, since a lot of people associate Christianity with being a "good person" lol. This is strictly where I am from though, in the Bible belt of the US where the is a church on every corner.

If it's something you're set on, try surrounding yourself with like minded people unless you thrive on chaos and conflict. :) Good luck!
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I know that god exists , it's not in the stage of thought or doubt.
Iam muslim by the way and my reply will be from my point of view yet hopefully logical.

first , to make you believe that he does exist you need to know that heaven and hell exist , so i will prove that now :
let's start with an example , let's assume iam big mafia boss and i have big reputation as well i have the government in my pocket.
Can you prove to me why killing people is bad for me ??
We all know that killing is bad , you may say because i will get arrested or may be targeted but still ( you can think of way ) with that power i have you can't prove to me that it is bad for ME.
In the Holocust , Hitler killed 6 million jews , we all know that what he did was wrong but no one can prove him how it is bad for him .
In addition let's assume that he is alive today , what's the worst punishment you can give him ?
You can poison him , put him behind jail until his death or even burn him alive. Still that will be equivalent to ONE life out of the 5999999 left.

In Islam we believe that every person maintains a record of his deeds ( The good and bad ones ) so that at the day of judgment whomever his good deeds exceed the bad ones goes to heaven if god wills so.

So unless we assume that there are a heaven and hell and that hitler will be burnt 12millions times in hell , this life will not be fair .

And for a heaven and hell to exist in such way , there most be a power that surpasses human capabilities which can only be in the hands of god who created us .

Finally , i would like to say that it's really stupid to assume that those more than one billion muslims (i lost the count) are stupid for believing something they can't see.
Not only islam but all other religions , those many people contain scientists and thinkers that researched , compared and saw a result .
So do your researchs , compare those religions and ask yourself why people believe what they believe.
Thank you.
It takes just as much faith to be an Atheist as it does to be a Christian, in my opinion. I think the wisest answer is accepting that we don't know. (Agnosticism)

But to answer your question. It could affect your life in mixed ways. It depends on you. If you're prepared for heated discussions to prove your stance on this and that, where in order to feel okay, you may have to distance yourself from the judgement of others. If you can't do that, it's probably better to just say you don't want to argue. If you can however, and those comments don't bother you then you're good to go as long as that is what you truly believe, you have a right to do so! Christians go through that too, but not as much, since a lot of people associate Christianity with being a "goog person" lol. This is strictly where I am from though, in the Bible belt of the US where the is a church on every corner.

If it's something you're set on, try surrounding yourself with like minded people unless you thrive on chaos and conflict. :) Good luck!
I am not bothered by no one's opinion.I am calm.Agnostism is fine but when you have a fanatic in your family that can be hard to deal.Well I am not an extreme Atheist I just really believe that is god but he might be by a slight chance.God is there for the one who believes.But it matters some Atheist can be more kind than Christians.I am 50/50 Agnostic and Atheist
I am not trying that.I know that I should keep thing to myself.I don't mean to offend or upset a member.Sorry for the people that I had upset with my posts sorry :(
Hey it's okey , afterall you just said what you think of the matter , it's good to question things when we don't find our purpose behind it so that we can get back to track , if you don't know what's right anymore than use your google and look for your answers.
Not believing in God is one thing, but actively trying to disprove His existence and looking down on those that believe in him is another. And that hate generated from the latter is negative energy which festers inside the perpetrated as well as those targeted.

Often that 'hatred' comes from people who grew up Christian or Catholic and suffered because of it, or people who were otherwise targeted by faith-based hate. We all need to go through stages of healing for different things and anger is a stage of healing. I'm pretty sure we both know people with this background who disdain religion. Hopefully, they outgrow this stage and reach a point where they can ignore religion without that anger and hate.
It's also fair to be angered by the power religions have in government and history without hating people of faith and their beliefs.
Superiority complexes over theological ideas gets old, though. LOL.

It takes just as much faith to be an Atheist as it does to be a Christian, in my opinion.

I'm not sure I would call it "faith", but I agree.

Sometimes it seems like we are in an either-or situation of either believing that:
1) There is a bearded grandpa in the sky who knows and logs everything you do, and will make you fry forever after death if you don't do or believe the right things
2) You (people in general) are just a fluke that essentially came about from atoms banging each other around - you were born on this rock, you have a short existence here, and absolutely nothing follows. Things like love, a feeling for beauty, etc. are all just flukes.

If you ever have some time, in my humble opinion, Alan Watts does a good job of offering a more sensible model of consciousness/the universe (unlike the myths mentioned above) that draws from eastern thought.

Here is a link to the text of the seminar
Here is the seminar:

Have fun on your journey :)

Sometimes it seems like we are in an either-or situation of either believing that:
1) There is a bearded grandpa in the sky who knows and logs everything you do, and will make you fry forever after death if you don't do or believe the right things
2) You (people in general) are just a fluke that essentially came about from atoms banging each other around - you were born on this rock, you have a short existence here, and absolutely nothing follows. Things like love, a feeling for beauty, etc. are all just flukes.

If you ever have some time, in my humble opinion, Alan Watts does a good job of offering a more sensible model of consciousness/the universe (unlike the myths mentioned above) that draws from eastern thought.

Here is a link to the text of the seminar
Here is the seminar:

Have fun on your journey :)
Hope you have one too
How can Atheism affect one's life?

Since it's a limiting belief system like all the other limiting belief systems of religion it keeps one closed off from the Wisdom, Love, and Intuition that resides in one's own heart.
I was an Atheist for most of my life and happily stayed in my head judging all others to be inferior to my superior knowing. Hahahahahaha....boy was I an idiot....and very lonely too...since I was surrounded by believers in a one god or another.
I have since revised myself and have come to the conclusion no one knows anything and it's just a helluva lot easier if I walk around with THAT belief. People have come to love me no matter their ideas about their place in the world and my life is enriched beyond measure because of them.
I am deeply grateful I am no longer an Atheist or a Theist or any of the other plethora of labels floating around out there.
so for what it's worth,here is my notion of things. . there is a mountain.At the top of that mountain is God, Allah, Yahweh, the Earth Mother, Lady of the Lake, or whatever it is that you think started the whole thing. There are many paths to the top, and they are all valid and equally relevant.
and if you believe there is nothing at the top, that's ok too. We all walk a path towards something.

Sometimes it seems like we are in an either-or situation of either believing that:
1) There is a bearded grandpa in the sky who knows and logs everything you do, and will make you fry forever after death if you don't do or believe the right things
2) You (people in general) are just a fluke that essentially came about from atoms banging each other around - you were born on this rock, you have a short existence here, and absolutely nothing follows. Things like love, a feeling for beauty, etc. are all just flukes.

If you ever have some time, in my humble opinion, Alan Watts does a good job of offering a more sensible model of consciousness/the universe (unlike the myths mentioned above) that draws from eastern thought.

Here is a link to the text of the seminar
Here is the seminar:

Have fun on your journey :)
There is a diffrence between how people make it seem and what it actually is , first no one knows how god looks like , second my religon is less about rules and more of the comfort you gain from practicing it , not any comfort , it extends to the point where we are not afraid of death ( not all of us ) . Not because our fathers did so only but because we feel it in ourselfes and hearts.
This is how i explain my islamic religoin and a person who doesn't follow it doesn't get to assume what it is about. Thanks.