What are you referring to by "all of your bother"?
With my ex.
Well, I can only speak for myself, but yes I have definitely noticed a change. I guess you've been a bit harsher and contrarian than you were before, and seeming less open to the possibility of changing your mind on stuff. We all go through such phases—what's crucial is noticing it and re-calibrating accordingly.
Yes that's it: 'harsher and contrarian'; much more willing to bypass some social graces in order to make a point and position myself as a kind of devil's advocate which deliberately delegated a moderacy to others which should have been mine.
I don't think you've been a monster or anything lol, far from it, but I do think you've flirted with arrogance on a couple occasions. Do you think the compliments you hear sometimes get to your head unnoticed or is it due to a different cause? I feel at times that you want to embody a certain kind of ideal and that perhaps this can lead to this de-centering from yourself you're talking about.
I don't think it's compliments; quite the opposite. I inhabit a kindness when I'm riding high in confidence and centredness, and the opposite when I'm feeling more insecure, though rarely do I recognise this at the time. For all that I've tried to cultivate an awareness of my own mental states and feelings, I've definitely got blindspots, where the symptoms of being low aren't immediately obvious, and manifest in more indirect ways.
What's kicked me into awareness this time is the fact that I recently had a look at an old forum I was a member of about ten years ago, and the conceitedness there was embarassingly obvious at times. For example, I name-dropped a few times where it wasn't necessary, and it's clear that this guy (me) was doing it to make people aware of his learning. In other places, people are gushing with praise because I'd done something enormous to help them or created something everyone could use (e.g. I was involved in a group story project, and created a whole Atlas of beautiful maps of the world and everybody's nations and cities - they each created a 'state' in the world), so that person (me) is clearly not wholly a dick.
At the time, everybody was dying around me and I was lonely, so I know where it came from. It was vested in insecurity and wanting to impress people.
Then today I recalled the denouement of my existential crisis and shamed myself at the lessons I've forgotten. I lost that 'beneficence' and walked around with a lot less warmth - in fact I was cold and stern. So today I had a walk up to the Cathedral, inhabiting this 'centredness' and 'beneficence', and the contrast was obvious. It helped that it's a glorious day - clear blue skies with a chill frost, with warm but stark light breaching over the rooves of these ancient buildings.
I'm a bit more aware of this state now, so I'm going to have to watch myself for a while. The relationship with my mum has deteriorated, too - it was in a good place, but I've gone about correcting her behaviours in the wrong way recently (over Christmas). With exasperation rather than love.
Now don't get me wrong, I know I haven't been a complete dick, and my 'love' has been present for the most part, but I definitely lost that inhabitiveness of being completely centred. And there's a gulf of difference between 'having some' of something and 'inhabiting' it.
So yeah, it's a bit of a surprise that it feels now like such a big difference, but it definitely crept up on me throughout the year. I think part of it must be to do with losing the self esteem I had in my previous line of work, and being now very isolated and living in a completely self-serving, if necessary, way.