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  • Hah! I thought you were trying to say Yipeeee! Thank you for the encouragement! It is much appreciated.
    Thanks for the congrats! :D

    We still haven't figured out a name for the little guy, though. So I'm open to suggestions. :D
    cool! :)

    So far better than video games for pure entertainment value ^^ always wanted to learn to play the piano...very elegant instrument.
    Same ole same ole, minimum wage hell. Started learning how to play guitar in May of this year actually :) picked my bass up last night which I haven't played in years...the scales I've learned on the six string transfered right over and whew...I've got this feeling of freedom with it now that feels like I could play almost anything. Still got alot to learn overall with the guitar but I think I can do something with it.
    You keep changing your name! *tickles* always confusin me May >< How have you been?
    Thank you for the good wishes on getting the job! You just keep on thinking those thoughts and maybe they'll travel over here to my part of the universe and hypnotize them into giving it to me. Hahahahahahahaha. It's so nice to know you're here. :hug:
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