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  • YES. YES, I AM. :O
    Dunno if you even remember me, lol. Tis Teracat, from just before you left. xD
    Things are going ok.
    In a bit of an existential crisis and just trying to figure things out.

    Yep, I'm still around, though I did take a break for a while back in march.
    Hope you don't get scared away by some of the drama lol
    yay for vacation! what do you do these days? XD

    I'm fine, thanks. :) Got some work piling, but I'm planning to take it one by one.
    Omg, I can't believe you are back. I'm so glad.

    *hands you a coffee cup*
    Hi April/Elicity!!! Glad to see you back! I found myself with a big smile on my face as I read your comments in Invisible's thread this morning. Isn't it amazing how we get attached to people we've never met or seen irl? WooHoo! :high5: :hug:
    I'm fine thanks. I'm going through a bit of a change at the moment due to our contracts at work ending. Last day tomorrow. Apart from that it's business as usual.

    I still can't get used to Elicity. I keep getting you mixed up with Serenity. I see her name and I'm like "Ooh, is May back.... damnit. No

    Glad your back *Hugz*
    Miss yah, confused me with yer other name change...and I'm sorry for the ghosting. Life >< gotta live it with both good and bad habits.
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