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  • Thanks. You too

    I usually have a crap xmas to be honest. I don't have anyone to share it with :(

    How do you get on living in a different country to your family? (I'm assuming they live in America)
    No pressure... And the only threads I can point you to are yours. I'm the last poster in both of them. :wink:
    Yay, I'm happy to hear things are great on your end. I'm also doing well, thanks. :) The holidays are... interesting, on my side. I'm always glad once they're over.
    On the other hand, it's FREEZING outside! And I don't think the temperature is even that low. Each year I'm amazed by my ability to forget just how cold it gets until the frost sets in once again the following year. It's slightly bewildering. :p Are you feeling the cold in your corner of the world as well?
    Thank you as well . . . by the way, could you describe yourself in a few sentences as well? I'm interested.
    haha. Thanks. I was waiting on hearing your opinion, actually. What made you think I was INTP?
    Doing decent April, I just enjoyed one of the most intense and yet odd thanksgiving days today. It's the whole maturing as a person and yet returning to a place that it's still very much the same.
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