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    home is where the heart is girl~
    and where is your heart, May? :)
    I got it all planned out. I just need someone to go with me. :P
    (No, I haven't. I wish! lol )
    Have you done any detailed analysis on Ti vs Fi?

    Sometimes I question my Ti vs Fi as well.
    Thats one messsed up subconscious you've got there ;p. I dreamt about The Jester a few weeks ago too. It was really weird. All I remember is being driven somewhere by someone I didn't know and getting dropped off at a friends house. This friend knows nothing about the forum irl. However when I was dropped off he said to me "don't you know who that is? (Meaning the person who dropped me off) Thats The Jester from INFJ's Forum".
    Thats it. Once again, lame. I now have a picture in my head of what I think The Jester looks like but this is entirely from my dream. I'd rather dream about water breathing camels though. lol
    I had a dream about you last night. I don't remember much about it though. Just that you were in it. Lame, I know. Sorry. I'll have to start writing my dreams down. I'm always disapointed when I can't remember them
    Very much so, my energy is much, much better than it was a matter of months ago let me say. While I would very much enjoy this to be what I've wanted and that is being loved in my life. The truth of the matter is I have become open from a more alternative spiritual expressive form where I've come to accept who I am. And this in turn has restored my confidence, clarity and positive energy. If I am to define it its like my intentions, synchronicity if you will have changed from negative energy to positive energy. Like one day I got slapped inside out and have changed gears. That my poverty thinking, focusing on what I lacked in my life has changed to, abundance thinking, focusing on what I have and want in my life. If that makes sense which means that this frees me up to be myself more and more.

    Plus it feels like the kind of energy and attitude I had when I was very young before my whole demeanor got switched off strangely for health reasons. And now the flow is much better and hence my communication is freer, I am open instead of closed and the av is hardly a reflection of the current energy state that I am in.

    I always wondered how could I have gone from a enthusiastic, energetic, fearless child where I was quite literally the toast of the town to being subdued and lifeless most of my life. Hardly made sense that I would go from Slovakia to Italy, learn Italian fluently under 6 months and then move to Australia and stay down a year, year 2 at the time, because I had communication difficulties and was so shy all of a sudden. Portents to what I was like prior to that was so very different and its returning now, the kind of energy I had back then, which is amazing. :m200:

    I hope that's a clapping monkey.

    Ha as for my brother, he's INTJ and very arrogant, like I am meant to be some kind of sheep who is meant to serve him. Luckily I rarely talk with him nowadays, last I did he wanted to open a fast food restaurant with me because he doesn't get along with anyone at work, takes after his father. Okay not that I should be bagging him out, my working history drags too.

    Thanks for your perspective. Oh and that bit I also meant to add how was the experience in real life, how did you adjust knowing your NTness in a world that sees women pandering to their feeling sides so much and such.

    Speaking of which do NT's become stubborn and arrogant in their views? Is this more a TJ value placement than a a TP discernment? What does being stubborn mean to you? What does arrogant mean to you? And how was your childhood like?

    Oh I blab, I blab well! I used to write bookish like then I went into this visual phase where my communication switched off and now its back...lucky you!

    ah I see, 3000 characters, well at least its better than 1000. :D
    Hi, My Dear friend! I have just found something - important to me - is being taught on a website, I'm feeling
    very excited about it right now... It says - "During this meditation you will be wide awake but your body will
    be asleep..." Yes, it is exactly what I know about this thing I call "Spirit-Walk"...
    I now give you the website, please go there and check it out by yourself, - it is what they call - "The Silva
    Life System". So, the address is @ www.silvalifesystem.com _ Please enter your first name and then your
    email address onto the bottom of that webpage to get a free access to those 9 lessons. (and I think it is
    even better if you can buy those products, I think it is gonna be very worthy to your precious time and the
    money.) ---------- Thank you for reading it, Missy. I love you! ^_^
    Thank you April. Although Sam wouldn't be my name per say, there is a hint of non english and english version overuse to it though. haha I was almost called Norbert because my brother was called Robert, how hideous.

    Adjusting to my energy that is coming back, not since very young did I have this kind of passion. Of course this is a junction between real time and here and such. Suffice to say my demeanor is much better than a few months ago. I'll say the anti-candida diet has helped although its probably more than just that.

    How about yourself? Where are you from? How do you like the infjforum? Whats does it feel like to be an NT in an SF/NF culture. How did you adjust to being yourself. Are you able to identify with emotions and thoughts and would you react differently to logic and feelings? I like your av, do you change your av often?

    I'm a curious sort, in recent times my communication has changed from being closed to open and now enjoy talking without doubt more and more. :)
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