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  • Not long got up. :D Drinking tea, listening to bad music, and going out shopping soon. Will write you back later. How are you?
    Did you get a chance to read the entry before the high school post? That was the one I warned you about last night, it was more emotional to me...dunno if it is quite the same for others. I was a damn wreck when I wrote it last night.
    Awe I hope you feel better soon. Wish I could drop off some chicken soup or my masterful chicken and dumplings. [IMG]
    posted this on the wrong area ><
    The same, fair warning don't read my blog post tonight unless you want to have a heavier heart. It was gut wrenching for me to write and it may be the same for folks to read. Overall though the beginning and end are pretty light hearted.

    Sorry bout the essay, my fingers start moving and before I know it my friend's eyes are bleedin ><
    So just reply when you feel like it, ain't in no rush its da weekend!
    Thanks! Yeah, I guess it is from experience. I don't really know how it happens, but I think it's part of the healing process. I don't think anyone ever really forgets/stops loving someone, but they learn how to live without them. Some people just don't work out, but there are always lessons to learn for next time. If that makes any sense what so ever? lol
    Glad it's a good kind of nervous. :) I hope that whatever it is that is causing that brings you joy and rewards your anticipation in the way you would most wish for.
    Definitely, always glad to share a resource.
    I was shocked to learn a lot about it.
    But it is something everyone should understand. I passionately believe that.
    I only have an AAS degree in Computer Networking Technologies. I have been contemplating going to a University full time in order to study a 4 year degree at least. I think I may join the Peace Corps in the short term though. They are doing some degrees for Information Assurance (Cyber security/ethical hacking) which I am partially interested in. I love networking and it does involve some very in-depth knowledge in that as well as encryption algorithms, programming, etc.

    Right now I work at Pfizer in IT but the job is ending within the next 6 months.
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