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  • I'm doing fine. Tired. I just spent a night on the town and then, when I got home, I had to stay up for two hours to make sure my friends got home okay. How about you, how are you doing?
    yup, diagrams are actually everywhere lol. I never thoguht i'd survive in a world filled with ESTJs ,ISTJs and ENTPs, but so far so good. :P

    Well, hopefully by the time I graduate I'd have a job ready for me. Then, I'd save for a few years. and theeen, travel around the world. I'm secretly hoping that that'd be when i meet the love of my life, but shh don't tell anyone. :P
    Thank you. I wish I was there, overlooking that ocean. :)
    Speaking of avatars, I haven't forgotten about psychoanal yours! I will do it soon promise. :)
    ohyes it does! lol, but my biggest problem lies in physics. I absolutely despise it. It's so complicated, it gives me white hair just from thinking about it. But it's oright, I like making a challenge out of things. :P

    Are you excited to graduate? any career plans or job offers on the table yet?
    Oh, I'm glad. =)

    Mechanical Engineeging 2nd year. I used to be in health sciences you know. I kinda miss Biology haha
    good good. staying up late for some school work.

    you? how are things on your end? =)
    I doubt I would know avant garde if it bit me, though in high school I thought my love of Bob Dylan, espresso coffee and Benson and Hedges cigarettes made me so. Ah, how the years change your perspective! I noticed on your profile that you're three days younger than my younger son. I wonder if he considers me avant garde? Nah, I'm his mom; to him I'm just weird. Thanks for the thought, though. From your posts I've often thought we'd enjoy each other's company irl.
    Can't help it though, its my fault for only getting five hours of sleep. BTW, did you ever go to sleep?
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