I don't know anything about Chinese drama... except that it is more likely to involve your parents telling you what to do.
Listen, you would have a bleak opinion too if you had to put up with them whining and fighting for a whole year. After so many weeks of it, I wanted people to shut up and get along, but incidents kept happening. They did things to purposefully agitate each other, and then I'd get calls because they would expect me to stop it. Obviously though they aren't dumb, so they did the rude things (deliberately) at times when I wasn't available to play mediator.
I could go into more detail if you would like, but basically, it involved everyone and I had to live with it, and I don't like that kind of conflict. I'm angry at all the immature people involved, which is most of them.
Not all of my real life friends are this way, but these ones are, and they have some serious issues, particularly when it comes to relationships. Another issue is that some of the girls forced another one of the girls to break up with her boyfriend (well, emotionally manipulated). I just can't respect that.