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  • :}

    You're back!

    I uhm... missed you..

    Not that I like you, at all.

    Just, know..,
    LOOK! A muffin!


    Seven is my favourite if we're talking about all of them.

    I don't consider seven retro, because I was kinda introduced to it through Advent children, and more recently crisis core(Which is friggin amazing, but bloody well gay>.>)

    You should try Dissidia if you have a psp.

    It's a complex real time fighter featuring the main villian/hero of every FF game up to Ten, with bonus appearances from 11 and 12.:}

    I adore said game.

    I've played and completed 1,2,3,4,7, and 10.

    I've also purchased eight via the playstation network for my psp, bu haven't been able to download it yet. (My family kinda hates me, and frequently block the router from my usageD:

    Mind you, I played remakes of the first four.

    I think two is my favourite of the old schools, though I adore them all.

    Though it goes without saying that seven is the best FF game I've played so far.
    No, it's just my bloody mobile acting up!

    No. Not LoTR, but in fact FFv, a rather funky theme that won't leave me alone today!
    Aghhhhhh. Sorry I haven't replied yet. Typed a message out thrice to no avail!D:

    And to make matters worse, the battle at big bridge keeps playing in my head, OVER AND OVER.
    Hehe, thats okay, it's midnight here anyway!

    Not as if I'll be around much longer myself.

    See you tomorrow then.

    Sleep well, that is, if I don't get you;D

    Yes, I'm a pushover, and girls are nice yes, I quite like boyish girl s and girly boys.


    I need to get back to slaughtering Sephiroth anyway.
    Ugh, no!

    Vanilla is so plain and dull.

    Chocolate all the way.

    I'm just a chocolate man.

    Seriously, anytime I make a choice, ice-cream, milkshake, muffin, deoderant, it's always chocolate!:D
    Oh, he's just one of those people that likes pretending they're in charge, you know, tad big for his boots.

    Also, in work I'm a pushover, do anything I'm asked, cover anybody shifts/breaks, do peoples jobs for them, etc.

    So I'm an easy target I guess.
    D: Omagosh, you said cum.

    Actually, I'm basing this assumption on two very cute and pleasant asian girls I worked with/befriended and one rather cute male co-worker. (Unfortunately he's a complete prick.)

    So you aren't cute?

    Pics or it never happened!

    *Glares at your silly attempt at kewlness*


    H-how dare you!

    Me!? Sulk!

    *Folds arms and turns away*

    Just for that, I'm not talking to you.

    *Opens one eye and looks at you haughtily*

    Hey wait... You're Asian huh?

    Asians are always cute!^.^

    When people try to hug me I scream inside.

    Similar to when a normal person is attacked.

    *Takes the spoon from his tea and flick it at you dismissively*

    I do not wish to hear of your nonsense about hugs.

    No matter how 'cute' I may be deemed by the mass deluded!

    *Sits down cautiously so as to be comfortable and holding his knees in defense curls his lip at you suspiciously*

    You won't try anything Fe will you?

    Like disagreeing on the basis of 'feelings' or *choke* hugging?
    Mind if I brood here for a while?

    I'm quite noiseless, need no tending to and will occassionally make a bitter yet humourous remark about the nature of the universe.:>
    Good grief, we're a probing lot. I've gotten that question more often than I've gotten hello!

    Despite all the good that came from my time there and the abundance of learning, the spiteful trolls were in abundance and it wore on me. I think in general, our type is allergic to toxicity.
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