Oh wow, so you really are a fan of metal. I like to ask these questions because I never really developed my own taste of music in my younger years.. hell, I was the most non-expressive kid I know growing up. The only things that ever seemed to interest me were video games, but now that is something a lot less of interest to me these days. I thought to my self, "why didn't I ever listen to music growing up.. or get involved with most things for that matter?!" The answer doesn't matter so much, as I just accept that I was raised as a very sheltered kid. The point is, I want to make that change now. Most people 'find themselves' at a much younger age and begin to really express their individuality, but hey.
In other words, I don't have as much a story when it comes to music (really only started listening around 2 yrs ago). I'll say this though. I started off liking the cheesy music that I would consider bad taste now like The Killers, Nickleback, and Chis Daughtry. It just sounds so drab to me now
I then wanted to listen to some REAL rock music, so I turned my attention to The White Stripes, The Black Keys, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, and then I started liking classic rock after that. That stuff also got me interested into the Blues genre. When I was really depressed, I listened to the Blues a lot
But I have to say, Rev. Blind Gary Davis is good. He sings about good morals in his music and he really incorporated Christian gospel in the style of Blues (which is usually not done in that style of music). So yeah, as of late, I've been getting into various forms of gospel. It seems our tastes in music are clashing at the moment
But that's okay.