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  • Never mind. Please disregard!
    Out of sheer boredom, I ventured into the Confessional:unrated directors cut. Made it to June 20th and had to stop. And here I thought I wanted drama :der:
    What the hell was I thinking? I don't know, cause at the moment I'm glad I'm old!
    Good night and sweet dreams.
    :boink: Okay! I admit it..... I'm bored! If I let you use this big stick, will you stir something to liven this place up?
    You sure like your officialness! I guess it comes from that sense of having a hunch confirmed, huh.

    It's not like I don't exercise... I mean, I walk and bike a lot of places, I run up and down the stairs several times an hour, and I fidget and stretch incessantly. It's just that I don't make time and do it. I kind of feel like having more of a routine would help me organize my time better... but of course that could be just internalized from my mother, who despite telling me this over and over and over again, never has enough time for all the stuff she takes on, either...
    Yeah. That's neat! Sometimes I wonder if it's a blessing or a curse to be able to maintain perfect health with only incidental exercise...
    I see. Well, that makes me feel a bit better, since I weigh 125lbs and if I REALLY strained myself I might be able to lift half that :P It would tire me right out though. Still, I'm a bit jealous and hate having to rely on them for things like tightening the lug nuts on my car.
    Ah! Neato~. I just started playing recently, Odyne suggested it to me because I needed a new hobby. As such, I'm a complete newb. I've basically been playing Go with an automated machine for a few days and, quite frankly, I'm not fairing to well but I'm getting better. I'm starting to understand the rules and everything. With that being said, I'm glad you invited me to play but I want a bit more personal time with Go before I start playing online so I'll take a rain check. If you're looking for someone off the forum to play, I'd suggest Odyne. She should be finishing finals soon. And I /think/ a few other people on the forum play. I was planning on making a thread eventually, when I was competent, lol.
    Hm, well, I hope you do eventually! If you're a lot like me, then today's isn't resonant, only...charming. I'll keep my eyes peeled for something for you :o
    Aw! Well, hi! Diggin' this avi, btw. I'm sad that you seem intent on changing it every day.
    Mayhaps a wee bit, boyo. ;) Which is why I'm doing the diffusing thing, more're less.
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