Yes I have! It was such a wonderful movie! Yes, it could have been a bit more epic though.
I greatly anticipated that Snape Scene more than anything. I cried sooo hard. He has always been one of my favourite characters...I guess I have a thing for ant-heroes,
but I absolutely loved the way they finished the movie! Everything coming full circle. : )
Hello oh crazy lady. I seem to have some kind of feeler sickness going on right now. I am running around saying Hi to people for no other reason than to be social. I hope all is going well with you! Have a great day/week/ life. Note to self: What is wrong with me??? LOL
I am sorry to hear about your job. hwell: I am glad though to see that you're taking the opportunity to go back to school. Hopefully, you'll be able to manage it with the kids, and the chores, and all that.
I am goood! I did my final this morning and I am done school finally. Yay, summer!
How have you been? Dark Lord misses Harry Potter....oddly enough. lol