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  • Thank you for the rep!! No papers today :) I am trying to recover from yesterday, lol
    Pierce, haha... his first comment to me was that he was smarter than me (after I asked him one non-offensive question). Yeah. He is a kook and I let him know that.
    thanks for the rep. I felt like I was gonna get eaten alive when I wrote that! You made me feel much better!
    Lol, but I agree with your posts though.

    And You did not have any basis to understand my post

    And thanks for the rep lol :P
    Thanks for the rep! and yes, I will try and quit soon too. Let me know how it goes :)
    Too cool! :D I actually go there. I'm within walking distance of the Denton campus. Neat!! And I totally love it, too. Matt is my new hero.
    hmmm, I live in Belgium, that is an iny miny little country between the Netherlands and France.
    I always wanted to go to Scotland some day, I think it is a really autenthic and rough country. I have been in Danmark before but not in Copenhagen. I was in Arhus for the start of my sailing journey over the Baltic sea to Finland.

    Is there a chance that you visit Belgium? We've got great bear and food ;-)
    I've been watching Nana and Skip Beat. I really love Nana despite the fact that it's super tragic. I love the music, too.
    My weekend was sad. My ex husband called me up and apologized for all the bad stuff he did to me. He didn't beg for me to come back; it was a true and sincere apology. I can't go back to him, but I feel so sad that we missed out on a life together. :*( I will go have a peek at your blog.
    You are SO right! I remember when it would be 89 outside in Texas and with the humidity it was crazy! I remember the windows in my apartment would even get fogged up.

    You went all 60 days without doing cardio and you still saw a difference! That's great! :D Someone told me that it's easier to get in shape with weight training than with cardio, I guess they were right. :)
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