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  • Hi! :D My Monday was pretty good. Thank you. Nothing even remotely interesting happend though. :D How was your Monday?

    It was crazy hot here too! (replying to your last visitor message :)) It was 111 on Sunday. I'm so excited for you for finishing the 60 day workout plan! How AWESOME! That's really hard to do! I can only stick to those thing for about a week. :D Are you going to keep doing it?
    Hey Wyst!! :D You're VERY welcome for the rep! ReMo! LOL I like it (that and Monkers)! :D You always pick out the best nicknames!

    Awww :( don't worry about getting a bad rep for what you said on that thread. :hug: If someone doesn't agree with it, then that's their issue. You made very valid points and said what nobody else would (but were thinking). You should be proud of yourself for speaking your mind. I'm really proud of you for doing it. :smile:

    My weekend went great thank you. :D I bought a book, did some shopping and went to the beach, it was so much fun! How was your weekend? Did you have a good one?
    I'm in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). For now. Soon, though, I'll hopefully be going to school again! :)
    You play guitar? That's awesome! How long have you been playing for?
    B-day parties are always fun! :D I still have a hard time going to large group things. But once I get there it gets better.
    I slept in! Then went shopping and cleaned. How lame is that?? Next weekend I WILL be doing something fun! Not sure what though...:smile:
    Hey Wyst!! :D How are you?? I had a great weekend! Thank you for asking. :smile: I was finally able to catch up on some sleep. :D How was yours? Do anything fun? I remember those Texas summers! They're insane. It's hot here but not like Texas.
    Wow! My weekend has been very boring, although I got together with a friend and had coffee. We talked non stop for 3 hours. I'm very INFJ in that respect! Otherwise, I wish I had more money so I could get out and do something.
    Glad to hear your day is going well. :smile: I'm doing pretty good, thank you for asking. Yeah I'm crazy old, I turned 29 in April. :D I work from home, I run a super tiny non-profit thing and do office work on the side for an engineering company. What do you do? Or are you in school?
    Thanks for the rep comment and yes, cuddling is utterly indispensable.
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