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  • Gah!! I can never get photos to load on your msg board like yours do on mine.... just stuck with links.... Surely it's not *that* difficult.... it irritates me when I act so old... I'm not.. really.. I SWEAR ))) :m095:
    Looks like we got a jackass tech admin thumbs downing people's blog posts. Shameful.
    Litter, haha, no. Not at all.)) I like cats, I'd rather it be cats and positive things than negative mean things.))) Post whatever you'd like... unless you're being mean.. haha..)) I'm pretty easy going.))) And I enjoy interaction.)) So post away^^ Meow.)
    Oh the user title is a quote from "a christmas story". When the dad's leg-lamp gets broken and he goes into a rage, but he's so angry that the only thing he blurts out is "NOT A FINGER!" One of the funniest parts of the movie imho. You ever seen it?
    if your free trial expires and you still want to watch BSG, let me know. I'll inbox you the account info for the account I use.
    hey rawr thanks for the rep man, its awesome to come back to a place and know people are glad you're there (: i'm surprised at all the new faces here but i feel like its still a warm and accepting atmosphere, so thanks again for making me feel welcome, i'm glad to be back (:
    How big is big, I regularly (every day) use Robocopy to transfer jobs of around 200-400gb to a different domain on a different site, hasn't failed yet, and you can set it too do detailed logs.

    Also the /zb switch is handy, but it will add a small overhead to the transfer( well the /z switch will )
    if you are using win7/server2008 version of Robocopy remember you can use multithreaded transfers
    Just some Black and White scotch. I prefer Jamesons 18 yr old whiskey or Johnny Walker Blue but you get what you take.

    Whatcha up to?
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