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  • They don't say. I'd have to email them to get the RMA number and actually get the instructions to return it.

    Edit: but I have a whole 3 years. Maybe in a few days or so I'll feel better about it and do it then.
    Would it be weird if I don't want to send it back? I mean that would be like $50 bucks going to waste but... I feel too disappointed and lazy to bother.

    I held off for years on getting a new mouse and the first one I try this happens to me. Makes me not want to bother.
    It's a ball mouse. Never had a problem with one other than dirt.

    And the one where it had been used so much the first thing to fail was the little roller that the ball turns for one axis. The pin that it spins on wore through and broke off. I happened to have a spare laying around and I replaced it and it continued to work for years more.
    Nah if I want to go cheap the one I'm using is perfectly fine. It'll probably be still working 100 years from now I bet... these old mice don't die.
    Looks like I may have to. It's failing more than the debouncing program can correct now. Went back to my old mouse.

    This pisses me off. It was such a good mouse other than this... >.<
    Microswitch contacts physically bounce when depressed, causing an on-off contact until it settles. This is very slight and fast and is usually corrected in the circuitry or with debouncing firmware which 'ignores' changes for a short time to smooth out the voltage and prevent the switch from flipping on and off unintentionally.

    If the switch starts to go bad or the debouncing firmware or circuit goes bad you can start to experience the bounce where one press of the button will register as several presses.
    It's fine. The debouncer is working. Not 100% but 99.999% which is close enough I guess.

    Mouse has a 3yr warranty and I've only had it for a month and a half and I'm not ready to deal with this crap yet. We'll see if I can make it work.
    Say... do you know a way to set double click speed beyond 'max' on the slider in the control panel in Windows XP by any chance?

    My left mouse button needs debouncing and I don't want to download one of those suspicious debouncing softwares which could be malware. -.-

    If I deactivated my facebook, I wouldn't be able to creep on people!! haha ...how would I spend all my work hours without facebook? Working? NO!
    You should just get one. Screw the reasons not too! Life is too short! And think of the little life you'd be saving and giving a good home too!
    Well..cat's are fairly cheap pets to have, and require very little attention and care. From a health standpoint, they increase happiness, life satisfaction, and just overall wellbeing (this is research proven, I swear!). They are a commitment....but they're very adaptable. So if you move, they'll likely settle in okay.
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