Ah...how long it would take to explain. Heres the short version. I got very sick to the point I thought I was not going to make it about 4 or so years ago. By luck and accident I found that changing my diet took away a lot of the issues I was having but...some issues still remain though. So at 43 I dont have a lot of energy anymore and its just odd not having energy. I used to be very active. I was going to go to Tibet before I got sick and hike through the mountains. Now the idea of it, well theres no way I could do it. This radical change took place in just 4 years time. Its like I went from 39 to 80 years old in a blink of an eye. Have fun and live everyday as your last because no one knows what fate has in store for them. Thats my advice to everyone now.
I have great family and friends though, it would be so much worse without them.