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  • no...thank god...
    but I was hoping to fix it before I left....so when I got home I could use it for TV I GOT MAH TV NEEDS!@!!J!@K#JLK#!!!!
    so...I was able to restore in 'safe mode' ..and it did it's stuff, restarted and let me login...but now it's been on the "Welcome" loading page for over 5 minutes- should I be concerned? Will it actually load in time?
    Wow, congrats rawrs ^.^ almost there, hope the job hunting has been going better than my own~

    Right now, besides school ~ I'm doing a bit of volunteer work at the local SPCA (mostly on weekends). I've also been actively pursuing a number volunteer opportunities in the Criminology field, so.. I guess I'm going to be doing a fair amount/more of that soon enough.

    As for travel ~~
    Depending on how things turn out I may be taking a trip to Japan sometime this summer =]
    No. They will never have that capacity. What we are, consciousness, is a harmony. You would have to have the same hardware to even begin to know what the programming was. It can't be broken down binarily. -Can't.

    Now then, can computers that we build achieve sentience/consciousness? -oh ya, you bet, and twice on Sunday.
    Still disagree. Lol we have a philosophical difference of opinion here! =) I say you can't place limitations on information, even if the information string is finite.
    nahhhh... don’t have the money for it... one day i’ll bring it in to see if it can be brought back from the dead... that and my desktop!!
    Aweee, kitty rubz!!! Hey Rawrz! Guess what??!?!? I had a dream with you in it last night! Ha. I don't remember much of it, I think it was one of those weird choppy random ones that keep flipping around because you wake up in-between 'em so much. Anywho, haaaaaai!!^^ Friggin GORGEOUS here in Portland!! Sunny and cool. Dry, and when you're in the sun long enough, you're skin feels warm.))))
    Not much of interest these days rawrs, schools and a bit of volunteer stuffs.
    Though there's some potentially interesting stuffs on the horizon (travel and work/volunteer related opportunities) ~~

    How's everything been with you?
    LOL no he isn't that mean. He meows first and she doesn't listen so she gets slapped because she's always pestering him whenever she can. -.-
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