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    This. bahaha. YUS! Dang squirrels.

    Idk how to image-show jifs.... so I linked you.))))
    Awe yea! Physical labor can be really nice!!
    How's your weather?? Still cool or warming back up?
    It just got done raining a bunch in Portland, and it's so nice here now!! ...
    My friend already has plans for tomorrow... otherwise I'd be hiking!!!
    Idk how legit the trails I plan to hike are... so I'm hesitant to fly solo....
    too many Criminal Minds episodes, lol.
    Hi Rawrz!!))) Peach Ginger, floral Yankee candle burning
    (still not sure if they impress me.. I might return it..),
    and kitties looking out the window, OH and I'm downsizing
    the book collection today.. Some serious down time.^^
    You know you're jealous!!!!!!!!)))))) Meow.)
    Haven't seen that one before but there's a few ambitious projects of this nature... and well I think it's full of shit, honestly.
    I dunno I kinda want a simulator or exploration game or sandbox where you can build old style tall sailing ships and explore the world.

    I really want to build a sailing ship. I don't know why. -.- I'd like something like KSP but with sailing ships! Where you can really build the ship and not just upgrade stats or have fixed modules.
    I'm fine. Rather bored, which is unusual for me. I typically have too many things I want to do and not enough time but now... there's nothing I want to do. -.- Or rather nothing that I know about to do that I want to do.
    hmm... where to start...
    fewer things cared about = more time to care about and focus on or find the most important things. i.e., more focus on high priorities. (:
    I take that back, it's not a waste of time because idiots in HR still respect it. But as far as real learning goes... it's better to learn on your own as long as you know how to fact check and not fill your head with garbage.
    I hated school too. It's a waste of time. If you aren't lazy, once you get out, that's when you can really start to shine and learn in your own way.
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