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  • Are you into break-dancing? :)

    I'm all right. At work, witness people online going nuts over the Oscars and fashion and selected world issues. How's your weekend?
    Woah, crazy cat! Wish I could do that.

    Everyone seems to be watching the Oscars. Tsk.
    yeah. i tend to choose signatures that will remind me to do something i tend not to do. they reflect things i am struggling with in my life.
    like, i just haven't played with it enough/don't know how it will work. if it will be super hard to manipulate documents like with an iphone/ios, or if it will have a filing system and support for it like a windows system does.
    hey rawr, i'm thinking of purchasing the surface 2. i don't have a tablet and i need to purchase a new device for performing simple office tasks that is portable anyway. any comments/opinions on it?
    I'll have to keep that in mind. :P But no Vista, not a big fan. 7 yes, Vista no.

    Yeah, I'm kind of the same. I'm not exactly brokesies, but I'm being extra careful with my monies right now. A better computer is, admittedly, a pretty good investment. It's sort of a useful thing to have in the world these days - just a smidgen.
    Yeah, I do need an upgrade. For reals.

    My monitor's an old, clunky, tan Dell. I'm a Dell fan, though.
    Ahhh, gotcha. It's pretty dang ancient. It was used before I got it. When I first used it had Windows ME on it. :( Didn't even have the driver for my keyboard.

    Also, I find your whiskers to be positively archaic.
    I can only assume that by 'mildly disturbing' you really mean 'please post more on my wall'.

    it seems to be my temperament! i have concluded by now that i was put on this planet to be a philosopher of sorts :P

    you used to be emo too?
    "do you all leave like 4 million message quotes in the PMs when you reply? Lol" Sometimes it's useful to do so. Do you recall I deleted over 2000 private messages a while back? Let's face it - INFJs like to communicate their ideas and emotions as accurately as possible. When two of us get together on some serious topic - the words fly! Hahahahahaha... Please increase the limit. I didn't know it was possible otherwise I would have asked much earlier. :D
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