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  • But hard limits without soft limits do kinda suck though. Rarely do you hit one precisely so most of the time it is either more than enough or not enough. Hard limit should be more like a failsafe limit to prevent things from going wrong anyway, not really something you should need to aim for on a regular basis.

    That doesn't have a lot to do with forums I guess though.
    Brilliant, all we need now is a sample of the T-Virus and and a selection of assault rifles. We'll also need some trusted henchmen. The have to have just the right amount of intelligence and ambition.

    We'll be destroying civilization just to make a few bucks. It's the american dream.
    I say we go into business together, buy the world's stock of tequila and then sell it at an exorbitant rate. We'll make millions

    We will however need millions to buy all that tequila.
    That's what I thought. I drunk and bored, so I'm asking you stupid questions.

    Did you know we're running out of tequila? The world I mean, not us.
    Indeed! A guy I met on the Appalachian Trail exclaimed this is how were supposed to be living! -a remark to the effect of having a day with physical effort being rejuvenating to the being and spirit. Physical and mental health are intertwined. We get those juices flowing and we often do feel it in the whole of our being. I usually camp out on the solstices and equinoxes, personal holidays... Three weeks a away! Yay! Been a long winter for me, can't wait to wake up with redwood needles in my hair! =)
    "They day you are truly loved is the day where you are able to show a vulnerability without having the other take advantage of it to strengthen themselves."

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