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  • Yeah, my boss has worked in IT for over forty years and he still needs search the web from time to time.

    I'm pretty sure that IT isn't the only area this happens.

    and just FYI, NUGT is a 3x leveraged ETF. It's always extremely volatile. You can make straight cheddar or get knocked out of the game within days in that stock.
    Not with plugins. Plugins do almost all the math for you aside from pretty simple stuff.

    The main things are calculating delta-v and thrust to weight ratio. You can get away with just putting a rocket together and see what happens but you really have no way of knowing if it will be optimal or get to where you want to go without doing the math first, but MechJeb can tell you your total delta-v and you can look up online the delta-v budget for all the planets and stuff, so that way you can know if your rocket will get there (or even off the ground at all) before you try to fly it and end up running out of fuel or crashing on the pad because TWR is too low in a stage.

    Given that though, after a while you can just know what works because it doesn't really change. So your ability to just estimate automatically increases with experience and eventually you don't have to do much math or really use the plugins a lot after you've done something a few times since you just remember what it took the last time.

    Edit edit:
    Protractor also tells you your required delta-v for each planet and moon and will give you a timer for when to burn to get the correct phase angle and actually get to the planet, and not be where it would have been two days ago and miss it totally.
    You always make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. You're right...I must foster my ability to find appropriate cat gifs for every conversations! THIS IS MY SUPER POWER!

    KSP is pretty good though. But be prepared for math and technical junk if you want to be serious at it.

    I recommend MechJeb and Protractor which are plugins help you calculate a lot of things inside the game. Otherwise it's a pain in the ass to calculate things like synchronous orbits and precise landing spots. Ejection angles are also hard to get accurate without Protractor and it kinda sucks to have to hold a real life protractor up to your screen to find ejection angles. You don't really NEED that because guesswork will get you in the neighborhood but for more advanced things with precision, it will save you headaches and repeating stuff.
    my field requires I act like i know what i'm talking about.

    I then google it later.

    Just tell people vague but convincing enough terms & diction & tell them you'll get back to them with the specifics.

    Ha ha, so true.
    Yes. Yes, I do!! Slept in til 0830.. felt SO GOOD.)))

    Mmm. Tea!! Which one'ya drinkin'??

    I'm hoping to go through my photos today and upload some onto my Flickr! Idk if it'll be very many.. but I'm still excited.)) Also thinking about investing into a macro lens for my Nikon... guess it depends on my tax return... you do yours yet? )
    Heeeeeey)) I'm doing wonderful! Got off work early and I'm watching the Oscars!!)))
    Hbu? How was your weekend?
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