Yes, I do have some problems with daydreaming at work, but in the last weeks, I manage to keep my mind in control.
Althought I'm well build physically, I always had a kind of annoying fatique. There were these feelings of tiredness that I felt after a full night sleeping and full rest. I would wake up, go to work, and I would feel the fatique: feelings of weakness, sleepiness and a incapability to focus myself.
But I read somewhere that there is a principle, or a law of the mind, that when the mind rests to much, it actually becomes tired and ineffiecient.
When I read that, I thought I found my cure. And I begin to put my mind to work, mainly by means of logical thinking. I wrotte down that I must not at any cost let my mind idle, I always have to think at something, to keep my mind concentrated.
And I have to say it worked amazingly

. Since I begin, almost a week, I didn't feel one second of tiredness in my body. Not even one sensation and tendency to sleep, that nasty feeling that would make me not to keep with work. Plus my energy level increased amazing. And I mean this all day long. When night come, I get to sleep, I fall in sleep fast and whithout any problems. Its just amazing
I only hope the situation will remain like this. This doesn't mean I don't rest my mind or day dream, its just that I'm very careful not to loose contact with reality, and not to stay in that state too much.
And I was thinking if you as a proffesional have any more advices on this ?