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  • Yeah! I don't understand WHAT the judges see in her!!! She is not my taste AT ALL!!!!! This season is pretty good! Last week's episode was AMAZING! I can't wait until you see it!! <3333
    Lol that picture is huge! Granted, I have my screen blown up on here to 150% lol but I did not expect it to be that big xD
    Lol I know, I read that post you had about food and I was like 'she's on her period xP'
    I got it all wrong though. We ended up on the topic and I felt brave enough to admit I like her and ask her directly if she could only see me as a platonic friend or as more. She said she sees me as a sister XD ...I died a little inside. It's like I prepared myself for that response but I was actually hoping for the opposite. Thus today I fully realized I fall in love and make myself vulnerable too easily. Again I didn't think it through. I know she's French and loves it there. I'm American and have no intention of living in France or Germany after this year. Of course it wouldn't work long term. Yet that's what she's looking for and me too. It's like, "what's the point of having this relationship for a year and then breaking each other's hearts?" It's probably better this way. But still hurts... even if I don't want to show it. -tear drop-
    (this might need to turn into a forum topic... I feel lost -_-)

    Hmmm I will take you to Europe ^^ but years from now when I'm feeling in touch with my direction in life... *hope that's a lot sooner actually xD

    In my book you are still an ENFP. I went into "I'm an INTP" mode several months ago. It's been devastating. Total identity crisis. I feel like I have all the negative features of an INTJ and an INTP... like I'm a total INTJ towards people but I'm INTP in how I approach life. Confusing. I have a hard time accepting it.

    Have you started university? What are you interested in studying? I've missed you too! <3 I've been doing a lot of soul searching these past few months... and I feel like I only found confusion. It's always more questions instead of answers >_<
    Have you found important answers in life? Have you great wisdom you are willing to share with the lowly human humbly before you? xD
    There's a French girl who I've been friends with for several months. This is what I wrote to Clare about it a week ago:

    "We've spend time together already. I met her mom. We went out to Europa Park and experienced the scariest roller coasters together. I even got her to go on the one she's been afraid of trying for years! She reserved seats at a nice Yugoslavian restaurant and knew the owner, a kind old lady that knew Selena as a child from when she used to come with her mom. Selena gave me a personal tour of Colmar, the city she grew up in and bought me two ice-creams. It's the place the guy who designed the Statue of Liberty is from!! I'm lucky I got to see her during the summer. She got her own apartment in Strasbourg near the University. It was my chance to visit her in Colmar at her mother's home while she was home for the summer. She's amazing and intellectual and thinks outside the box. The way she sees things isn't any kind of mainstream. She's absolutely not mainstream gay... and neither am I. She likes to write futuristic political fiction about France and the problems the world is likely to have in 100 years. She has such amazing ideas. (sadly her writing is in French so we can talk about it but I can't read it xD) I just want to say that it gets hard and scary when you realize you really really like somebody... completely and totally think this person is amazing and one of a kind for valid reasons. For instance, she's very caring to others and acts towards the common good. We have a lot in common, but more importantly I feel like her differences actually make her a better person than I am. I can appreciate it in her and aspire to be better myself xD (instead of being inconsiderate and selfish out of ignorance and laziness per example)
    Sorry I really got into that... I'm just finally starting to realize how much I like her. When we first started talking I never imagined she'd be the one I start feeling real feelings for again xD"
    But yeah girl, I feel pretty directionless being stuck here where the greatest joy in life is tourism. It's funny. A high school friend from 9th grade, he saved up $4,000 working hard for a year just to go to Munich for two weeks for October Fest... a big dream of his. And I'm here in Germany and all I want to do is go home, get a new car, enroll in more college, normal life, etc. It's like this. I'm stuck at the end of a chapter in my life. It's like when you complete a level in a video game and normally this lets you progress to a new area and story arch BUT there's a glitch. I'm stuck at a crossing right now. The great crossroad of life XD Ahh~ I hope one of my terrible metaphors made sense x)

    I'll give Clare the idea of joining the forum next time we talk... not sure if it's her type of thing XD

    Oh yeah a lot of strange irony occurs in my life. Good. Bad. It keeps things interesting. I might truly write an autobiography... or maybe it's time I wrote an original fiction novel? I certainly have infinitely more experience to draw from than I did when I was actually writing novels XD
    You are so sweet! -SUPER EPIC HUG-

    There's a lot of stuff going on in my life. That's how it's always feeling. I should talk about the army side too. It's a confusing mess. They want to kick me out for being terrible at running and to try to fix the problem they make me run twice a day. It's totally pointless though. I figured this out about myself. So I'm a completely useless human being who can get really good at working out at the gym. Working out more often like this, I'm definitely in good shape. I can go to the gym and do wonderfully on the machines. But I need to lift something outside of the controlled environment of a gym and I'm the weakest weakling on Earth! XD I can run wonderfully on an exercise machine and relatively good on a track but put me on extremely sloped terrain like this morning and I run upwards slower than I can walk. Then on the way down I run slow because (and I tried this) if I try to accelerate I go so fast I can't control my speed very well. It's just like how it's hard to brake when your car is going super fast down a slope. I'm like this in general. I excel in isolated controlled environments like university or a gym per example.

    My thumb is the same really. That brace didn't help. Don't worry it's been problematic all my life. I'm used to it.

    I'm surprised you didn't know about the army. I swear I mentioned it XD but oh well, regarding that, I failed the run second time in a row last Friday. We'll see what happens. My intention was to go reserves anyway and I only joined to get the college education/learn to be a biomedical technician in a world acclaimed program for free. Germany is nice but I wasn't ever supposed to be here. If things went the way they should have I'd simply be going to my reserve unit in Dallas once every two weeks on Saturday after finishing my education. Instead ummm Germany for nearly a year now! XD It could've been anywhere so I am glad it is Germany.
    Thank you Mish ♥ I feel a little better because I actually even did get something done yesterday! I cleaned the bathroom, lol. Now it smells so fresh and clean. :)

    It's sad how depression can make one super lazy bum... :/
    Lol yeah totally knew where you were going with the picture. And I agree! Besides it sheds a little light on my MBTI status :P
    Awww. :hug: Thank you, I really needed that today. :/ I think you deserve some hugs too! :hug:
    Lol totally just decided to friend request her before I went to bed xD And then slept sound ^.^

    And I thought I replied to you about Iggy's huge bum though apparently I didn't x.x It's so big!!! xP
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