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  • Well, you can still consider yourself infjs.com's celebrity.

    My step brother is ENFP. I always see him emulating other people's emotions in crowds, making fun of them in a silly way to lighten up, because he really seems to be overwhelmed by a lot of people he doesn't know. I deal with it by spacing out and ignoring the people unless they start talking to me, then go do my thing to take my mind off all the people. How are you in large crowds?
    I can't begin to tell you how many people have thought I was a dude online. I have a friend who actually got a sex change, and then there was this group discussion about who we could see transitioning. Everyone was like like holy shit I can see Nosferatu as a dude. Then there's a friend who jokingly always called me Jeff and said I have a Prince complex. .-. Not that it matters though...I don't really identify with any gender roles, I just do what I think is the best thing, and I don't really include my gender as part of my decision making.
    I agree! >.< Sand is actually more prettier than I thought, lol! Didn't have no idea it can be so colorful. o.o And thank you, trying~ :m095:
    No, not really =x I only put high standards on myself for the most part (which sometimes I think is pointless too because half of the time I can never reach them anyways). I don't really see a point in having high standards on other people because it will make me resent them too much and I don't want to feel that way towards people. So I remove all of my expectations on people and accept them for who they are. Kind of ... What's important is to see them happy and doing what brings them goodness in life.
    You're one step away from cracking the Horatio code.

    Quick, call Tom Hanks!
    nah, he moves and lands with dexterity and finesse, unlike yours truly.
    I'm so sorry! :hug: >.< I hope she will get the help she needs and things will calm down for you guys. Yeah, I agree. It's wrong and something should be done about it. :( :hug:
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