Well it's difficult to say whether MLK was INFJ or ENFJ, I would still say he was Ni-dom
with a big Fe. He had an amazing intuition supported by Fe to carry out his ideals
and views. In his interviews he looks too calm and concentrated to be an ENFJ.
When he speaked he did it through Ni and got energized from painting his own vision
of better world. If you let INFJ speak on something s/he is interested in you can't make
it stop. I've seen him typed as enneagram 8w9 it's propably the source of his will power.
Hitler could be any of the NF type with his charisma, passion and intuition. INFP under
ESTJ shadow as you said is possible. I listened some of his speeches on youtube and
although I don't understand any German there seems to be alot of Fi. I basically think
the guy was so messed up that it's almost impossible to type him

Hitler being puppet
of ENTJ's was interesting theory. Himmler seemed to be some sort of NTJ?
meh, I'm not an ENFJ although I can seem like one when forced. As much as I love socializing
I yearn for alone time to reflect on my own. I need balanced amount of external and internal.
The reason I'm certain of my introversion is that I'm more comfortable using Ti than Se. External
stimulation can be overwhelming for me. While most of the ExFJ's I know get pretty drained
when forced to use their inferior Ti.