enfp can be shy
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  • Definitely, it's easier to spot mistakes when using pencil and paper, still don't get why, but it is. And writing math on blackboards with chalk is even better. There are only small parts of math that I like to see in digital view and that's manifolds and fractals. That combination of colors to represent depth of a function or space is great for better understanding. And fractals are plain beautiful even to ones who know nothing about the math behind them, don't you think?
    Pure math is beautiful, I've read a few articles about that kind of distinction between applied and classical math, and a copy of Hardy's "A course of pure mathematics" is one of my favorite possessions. Blah, I kind of hoped that there is a forum or something like it for that kind of math lovers. :)
    I understood that you mentioned pure math as a name for some kind of online community for mathematicians, so I wanted a link to see is there anything new to learn. Maybe I'm mistaking (I have had a confusing weekend so far). :D
    Your f***ing bloody brilliant! *walks away pouting with slightly above average IQ*
    Well my shoes are more like the first ones, I don't wear high tops. :) And yes I do wear them. :D
    Well I don't know what shoe it is, but they do sound adorable. :)

    Yes, guys sometimes wear things that used to be just for girls. So, what is your first language?
    I'm afraid I'm a bit confused... Shoes shaped like triangles? You mean the bottom of the shoe?
    Yes, I'm not a big brand name girl myself, but I love my Converse. They are my favorite shoes, they are a bit battered... but they = love. :D I have a friend who is a bit more fashionably "aware" than I am, and she probably has Converse in every single color now. *shrug*
    I thought it was cute and wanted to share it with you. :hug: No biggie. :D Plus I love converse, and I thought it was funny, but I'm silly so my jokes aren't always that great. :mf:
    Thank you. Thank you for all of your kind words, and your support. I just don't know what to do right now. It's not that I'm scared. What ever happens, happens. It's the waiting game that I don't like, and doctors telling me somethings really wrong, then nothings wrong, and blah blah blah. I just want to figure this thing out so I can get back to doing things and making changes.

    Thank you though, really. It means a lot.
    Well it's difficult to say whether MLK was INFJ or ENFJ, I would still say he was Ni-dom
    with a big Fe. He had an amazing intuition supported by Fe to carry out his ideals
    and views. In his interviews he looks too calm and concentrated to be an ENFJ.
    When he speaked he did it through Ni and got energized from painting his own vision
    of better world. If you let INFJ speak on something s/he is interested in you can't make
    it stop. I've seen him typed as enneagram 8w9 it's propably the source of his will power.

    Hitler could be any of the NF type with his charisma, passion and intuition. INFP under
    ESTJ shadow as you said is possible. I listened some of his speeches on youtube and
    although I don't understand any German there seems to be alot of Fi. I basically think
    the guy was so messed up that it's almost impossible to type him :D Hitler being puppet
    of ENTJ's was interesting theory. Himmler seemed to be some sort of NTJ?

    meh, I'm not an ENFJ although I can seem like one when forced. As much as I love socializing
    I yearn for alone time to reflect on my own. I need balanced amount of external and internal.
    The reason I'm certain of my introversion is that I'm more comfortable using Ti than Se. External
    stimulation can be overwhelming for me. While most of the ExFJ's I know get pretty drained
    when forced to use their inferior Ti.
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