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  • Thank you again. :) I very much enjoyed reading both your personal blog and your shared blog. I love your imagination, and your writing is lovely. Thank you for sharing it with me. I look forward to reading more as you add to them.

    How's your day going?
    Awww. Thank you. I'd like to read some of your writing too! :) Yes, that was me speaking, and what a lovely thing to say. I'm so flattered, but I'm sure your life in your own voice is infinitely interesting.

    Sorry to read that your weekend has been depressing. Anything you want to talk about? I'm happy to lend an elf ear if you need one. My weekend was okay: nice enough, if uneventful (apart from my PC giving up the ghost and so having to buy a new one). It was gloriously sunny here, and I would have loved to have been on a beach somewhere, but sadly they are a long, long way from where I live. Otherwise, no complaints. :)
    lol you've done nothing wrong. I just don't know anyone who likes the same music either haha.
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