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  • Well, I had a nap that was pretty badass, and uh, I ate a tasty sandwich. Ok, ok it wasn't outstanding! Happy now???


    You with padres right now? That is the worst. I enjoyed living by myself a lot. I have a roomie now which is cheaper but nothing beats having the entire place to yourself.
    Lame sauce? Just because my helical structure is more flexible than yours, doesn't mean you can go and call me a sauce.

    I thought elves were supposed to be nice and polite. But no...you had to go and hurt my Slinky feelings, thus spoiling the level of respect and admiration I held for elves.

    And I'm an inanimate object! Can you believe how mean you have to be to hurt an inanimate object's feelings? Tssk, tssk, ElfxSpice. May all your experiences with metal slinkys be stressful and...boring! :c
    :) That's a very cool way to look at things. One of the girls I studied German with at school worked as a cage dancer in a nightclub, and she's now a high powered business executive in London. Not sure if here's any correlation. :D
    Infinite boredom expires in 48 minutes, then I head home. :D

    Hmm, what look next? How about perplexed lost?

    Lol, just joking. How are you?
    I'm glad you're feeling inspired. I can sense the positive shift in your energy, and that's awesome! :) I'm doing good, thank you. A little tired from work, but otherwise all is well.:hippie:
    Awwww! Good day to you too, my dear Elfin friend. :) Thank you for your lovely message and kind wishes. I hope you're doing okay today. *hugs*:hug:
    Hey do you like Kalmah? I just listened to their new album and it is amazing! I have been a fan for a while.
    Oh no! :( ... but you're so awesome! Is he crazy?
    I'm so sorry and sad for you.

    As for 'ancient' remedies, well you already know this one from what I gathered, but a long, long walk is the way I handle heartache. I tend to walk until all the thoughts and hurt have passed through my mind - until my anger and sadness is all spent. The last time it happened, I ended up in another town altogether, and by the time I'd walked home again, my head was clear and I knew exactly what to do.

    Apart from that, a big *HUG* :hug:from me, and please feel free to write to me if you want/ need to express your feelings to someone.
    A walk with many thoughts... now that's my kind of walk. :) Gremlins eh? Gotta keep those pesky little critters under control. :D

    My day today has been ok. Getrting closer to the weekend, and it's a bank holiday, so I get three days off. :D Right now I'm eating chocolate cake and listening to glam metal. An odd but enjoyable combination.
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