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  • I think we have some good metallic bonding going here... yea? ...yea? *cricket chirps*

    I'd probably enjoy chem if I had the patience to work out the equations. But I have more important matters, like... like... being an infj forum moderator!
    *hug* hang in there champ. I would give you a motorcycle ride if you lived closer and weren't 'locked-up.'
    Wow, I just can't believe how little sleep you get. How much sleep were you getting per night a couple months ago?
    What you've said rings really true for me. What ever works for them, works for them, but I couldn't deal with the constant invalidation of my thoughts because I was directed by "feelings." It was a relationship, like you said, lacking any sort of emotional support.
    E3 = Electronic Entertainment Expo. Where all the new video games/consoles are shown. It's awesome! And work was alright ^_^ I have a decent office admin job. Thanks for asking!

    Also, I suck at chemistry lol.
    Sorry! Had to drive home from work =P What are you studying? I am just home relaxing now. Gonna look up more info about E3 cuz I'm a giant dork.
    Studying for computer applications.
    Why are you studying urdu? Are you muslim? You can learn first hindi then urdu. Well, urdu is one of the best beautiful language. I know somewhat urdu. When i write, i use some urdu words. It has power.
    Off course, i can help you to learn hindi. Welcome. :)
    Oh okay. I see. School is well here. :) What about yours? I am second year student here.
    You're right, we should learn regional language before visiting it. Otherwise we have to depend on others help. You're independent, your posts shows so.
    It is so good to see here, half indian. Do you know anything of hindi?
    Yes, i live in western part of india. I know hindi and very good at speaking. Don't worry if you don't know hindi. Still you can visit india. :) If you believe, then you will come.
    My day is going well! It will be a lot better in 15 minutes. I am running to get groceries after work then I will exercise when I get home. I went back to standing all day at work so that should help me burn more calories too. My legs are definitely feeling the burn!

    Wanna come over for supper?
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