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  • Hi rainrise... I was just going thru my profile and my messages and I read an old one from u. You mentioned that my daughters were beautiful, I wondered if I replied as I couldn't remember if I had and I had a hunch that I never did. I'm sure that I meant to, but ended up forgetting for whatever reason. So thanks. I agree, my girls are very cute and special, lol I hope u have a good weekend :)
    Thanks for the rep. I have finally figured it out for the most part, but it's still so new to me I haven't become 100% comfortable yet. Do you know what I mean?
    Thank you rainrise, I feel deep love for my kids and my friends ... Attachment is very meaninful to me and I don't often let it occur - just to certain ones who I believe will be there in my life for life :)
    Thank you for your reply. I'm glad that someone else has the same experience as me. I know exactly what you meant. Even though at times, the relationship was very steady I had felt that somthing was missing. I knew, at the time, that he had loved me very much but I felt somehow disconnected.
    Thanks for the compliment on the avatar. I found it on deviantart.com and saved it on my pictures folder. I can send you the image if you would like it. xx
    'Ello there! Just dropping by to say I hope you have a wonderful day.

    Thanks for adding me to your friend list. I'm usually too shy to add people myself. ...Is being added to someone's friend list something I should thank the other for? I'm not sure but it's something I've always done. I'm certainly thankful for making new friends. Heh, look at me rambling on about stuff. Sorry. x.x
    Hey - tx, thought it sort of reflected my current situation aswell as the emotions we infj's are often going through :)
    Thanks for the rep comment. It meant a lot, coming from you, who I consider to be one of the beter writers on the forum. Thanks!
    I want to see Sister's Keeper, too!

    Alan Rickman is good in all his roles *swoon* but yes I agree that he plays Snape particularly well.
    Yes, they changed a lot from the book, but overall it was excellent. Snape is the best, I just adore him. I relate to him so much. If I were in Lily's place, I would have forgiven him and loved him forever.
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