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  • Thanks! Again! I feel as if I still need to learn more before I am ready. But maybe your never ready. lol I really do not know where to start looking for someone to help me publish my work though.
    I regret to inform you that I no longer have a devilish bone in my body. Does your offer on cake still stand? :)
    Oh that I agree on. People will drive much slower here but they are used to it. However seeing a car drive in ways that defy physics is a common site. I've been in a car many times with that happening. Also the excuse "my car was in a ditch" if quite often used to explain absences from class. It's just a way of life out here :). We are equip to handle it though.
    Bozeman doesn't plow. Seriously. They just leave the roads for people to fend for themselves pretty much. Now and then they will sprinkle some rocks on top of things, but that's it. Hopefully you will be able to get a warmshot by you to melt it. It went up to 50 today (and it was -10 yesterday!) so that might be on your way.
    Missed you too, love. So happy to see your beautiful heart (and beautiful face) once more *hug*
    indeed, indeed. And hey, i'll drop by for a quick hello sometime soon, i've got some classes real close to the GAB. (That is, if they let you just waltz in, and if i can remember where your room is :))
    Agreed on the bad bosses. Yours sounded tough, but it also sounds like you've got some decent resources for managing the messiness.
    I feared that I had 1 also, but my symptoms soon cleared up. I'm back to 'normal' Free Mind now. Thank you for your concern though Arbygil.

    I hope you get better soon.
    I could be better really. Had yet another hard day at work and have lovely concrete burns on my hands...We had a whole truck load of cement come today so that we could lay a concrete base for the extension. I have applied a lot of some sort of cream though which makes my hands a lot better though.

    Other than that, I am doing great really. I tend to just shrug things off eventually. What about yourself?
    Yeah, bothers me for that reason as well. I'm actually very... structured when it comes to protocol and directions on the job or at school. I tend to need exact directions and follow them to a T to stay on track or do what needs to be done correctly.
    Perfect example: I'm doing some intern work for an organization and the person in charge is great--just changes their mind a lot. I get one set of directions, I follow those and then when I hand a project in, it's changed by the person.. The very stuff they told me they wanted they changed. lol. Which bothers me because yeah, I'm not sure what to do then! It makes me question my competence. I was so upset over it I talked to my bf about it and we was getting mad and saying, "This person is egotistical and flaky etc. etc.." He took it personally and was offended on my behalf..but I wasn't mad at the person.. I like this person and can kinda understand that they operate in a more free form manner.. Just wish they'd be consistent.
    Nooo, no box. Could be because I'm using Open Office (I deleted MS Office from my hard drive). But I think the idea is the same; white is SO, purple is SX and blue is the same (SP). This matches and puts me at SP/SO. :D
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