They say that INFJ's aren't that good with sports and I guess it's true
and I do bet that I'm worse than you playing golf, I would probably hit someone with the stick and missing the ball completely, I really do suck at sports sadly enough.
I don't really care who I date as long as they are honest and good-willed. Usually though I end up in weird relationships so that's why I'm avoiding dating for awhile.
And yeah, you should post more on morality questions. I would love to read some of yours. I'm reading this book called "The Pig that wants to be eaten" and it talks about these kind of questions. I recommend it if you're interested in these kinds of things.

I don't really care who I date as long as they are honest and good-willed. Usually though I end up in weird relationships so that's why I'm avoiding dating for awhile.
And yeah, you should post more on morality questions. I would love to read some of yours. I'm reading this book called "The Pig that wants to be eaten" and it talks about these kind of questions. I recommend it if you're interested in these kinds of things.