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  • Oh, um I have a stuffed camel that my old military pen pal gave to me from Kuwait. And I also have a Naruto wall hanger (not too big, pretty short. I used to be OBSESSED with the show, now I'm just like whatever but I'm too lazy to take it down). What's yours :becky: lol jk jk u don't have to tell me if you don't want to. You can PM it to me also if you want.

    Same here, though I usually don't mind solitude. Hanging out with a few friends is really fun too!

    Good question. Probably playing tennis really well, hanging out at the arcade with my friends, NO HOMEWORK OR TESTS ASSIGNED, earn my licence, read my Psychology Today magazine and my Scientific American Mind magazine, fidning out my purpose, and other good stuff.

    Some fantasy stuff that would never happen would be: To find out I had powers (yeah, I know, it's nerdy, but oh well), find the love of a lifetime, find out my purpose, etc. But, hey, I'm still a kid, lol.

    That's to the extreme though. Or something that would brighten my day is if I found out someone said good things about me or someone stood up for me when someone else was talking bad about me behind my back.

    Question from the book:

    What traits do you not like in other people?
    I meant an item that you're too embarrased to tell people you have.( It can be a corny love card, a cd that everyone hates or anything else that comes to mind.)

    That question is good. I find myself contradicting if I like solitude and having company alot because I tend to go to either extreme and leaves me really frustrated. One time I'm very accompanied by friends,family and acquaintances and find them really tiring and all I want is for them to leave me alone and other times I'm bymyself too much and then I long for human connection,someone to talk to and share things. So, I'm never happy with my situation in respects to that LOL, it's really hard.


    Describe an ideal day for you? How would it look like?
    4000! whoah, I don't think we're even on the 10th yet lol, well, we better get moving:D

    I think you have many other qualities but I'm sure that we're sometimes too hyper critical and don't give ourselves the proper credit. All I ask is that you believe in your strenghts and you'll see how far you can go. Like you said, we all have our weaknesses and our strenghts but our strenghts should serve us to amplify our purpose and maximize our potential while our weaknesses should serve as lessons that must be overcomed in order for us to gain insights into our deeper realms.

    Talking about weaknesses and to answer your question I think some of my weaknesses are: Being stubborn, having a hard time saying "no" to people and being very critical on myself. Strenghts: Wanting to help humanity at whole, ethical and the ability to inspire myself and others through difficult times.


    What do you possess that you don't want other people to know about? (Don't worry, I won't tell anyone and you can PM to tell me the answer) and maybe perhaps I'll tell you mine lol
    Heeeeey you're cheating lol, you're not supposed to use any resource for our questions haha oh well, I forgive you :D

    I guess one of the traits that I most admire about a person is that they are sincere, have ambition(not over money or power but more meaninful things) and are not afraid to voice their opinion regardless if other people agree with it or not.


    Describe me how you are? How do you think you come across to others and what qualities you find admirable about yourself( I stole a little from your previous question:D)
    Haha, I'm pretty good with search engines, so why hog my natural skill? I don't need it all that much. I'm glad I could be of help. Thanks for the rep!
    I was having weird thoughts in my mind, things that don't makes sense even to me and I have them periodically but yesterday they got intense. Today though, I meditated a while, you know, I went outside sat under a tree, inhaled/exhaled and talked to the wind for a while and surprisingly enough I went from crappy to very very happy lol.

    I said " I like travel and culture magazines" you know the ones that talk about things to go when you go to travel.

    And I'm sorry, I didn't understand your question about the comas but I did ask you "what's your favorite food?" very good job. Sushi is also one of my favorites, but I can't eat them with the chopsticks :( and I've never heard of miso soup before but I'll be sure to try it ^^

    If I had 2 hours to waste I'll probably be daydreaming LOL

    Whose your favorite artist(poet, musician, painter,writer etc etc)?
    Hey what's up yo! hehe, sorry I didn't answer yesterday but I was having a shitty day(sorry for the word but there is not other way to put it) and wasn't in the mood to be in the computer. Today however I feel completely rejuvinated :D and totally happy.

    I'm kind of worried that the accent marks in your computer aren't working. Are you holding the "Alt" key while pressing the numbers? IT works for me in all the keyboards, unless yours is from a different country.

    Me gustan las revistas de cultura y viaje. Especialmente sobre arquitecturas antiguas.

    Did you understand it?


    Cual es tu comida favorita?
    Together, the words don't mean anything, but as independent search terms, they can produce interesting results.
    Something like moonlight violin, or moonlight music. I'm not entirely sure. I did about 10 searches in rapid succession!
    Hola buenas tardes princesita:D, hey what's up lol, nice to hear from you, how you've been?

    It's one of those days, feeling kind of "different" but I'll be ok.

    So, anything you want to talk about?
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