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  • I'm going to go to sleep babe in the meantime try not to get your diapers dirty ok ;)
    Quien te crees? No me puedes ganar, soy invencible. When you figure out what that means meet me in Greece.:m081:
    Hey, I was just re-reading yr post about the 10 things about ourselves... I read it before and noticed that u wanted (or were thinking of becoming) a career counselor. When I replied to yr message to me earlier, I went by memory of yr post and didn't note specifically that u said "Career" counselor so that makes a huge difference! I think in my mind I took it to the level of being a traditional counselor where u r the counselor and there is an office and a desk and a person (I termed it as patient).... I guess u could perhaps become a hands on career counselor who goes out and does the field work with students or even mature students and get them into job sites and record their results etc. I don't know, lol... When I was in my 20's, I worked for an association for community living where I worked with mentally challenged adults and did exactly that. I went out in the community with them and found them jobs and visited regularly to see how they were doing. Anyways, I guess just disregard my previous message, I still think tho that you could still work in career counseling and take a different spin off the traditional ways of that profession... Maybe don't take my advice afterall, I think I am just trying to think creatively tho as to yr message when u meditated about yr career path. I"m sorry if I confused u tho! ttys :)
    It sounds like an awesome teacher already lol. I'm also in that group but no one has posted there for ages but it was really cool while it lasted :( and yeah, tomorrow just message me and I'll come to your aid ok.
    Hi, nice to hear from you :), it's sucks that you had a bad day in class and I share the sentiment because I didn't have a good day myself in school either. Way too much homework but hang in there, you can do it. I got your message about the hygiene thing one second after I hit the send button but I was too lazy to change it again so I just left it^^. Do you need help in your spanish? Ask anything you want ok. Take care
    Angels is good, running up that hill is also good
    did you only hear of them recently?
    Good morning :) Thanks for the kind words about my name, yes my name is Maria, I decided to go by Ria tho on this forum because of the man I gave my heart to, used to call me that. (still does). He wants me to take him back but I am hesitant but obviousely tempted. He is the girl's step-dad. We were together for 2 yrs but I ended the relationship over 3 months ago now and he is bugging me every day!! So.... Ria it is in my heart for the rest of my life I guess!

    It is important to have a faith of some kind, and allow yrself to be guided by whatever higher power u choose. God works for many people, just make sure yr happy and fulfilled in yr faith. I am glad to hear that yr willing to be guided and that u have a chosen prefference for a career. Hands on could mean still in the field of counseling. Many variations exist in traditional therapies that add layers of quality to the actual healing process such as "art therapy" in the counseling journey. Music therapy, healing touch, camp counselor or even spiritual advisor. "Hands" may have meant that yr destined for some for other than the traditional role of "counelor, desk, patient in office". That is ok but only 1 dimensional. Some of the best most effective times have ben when I have been working with troubled teens and making progress with them by meeting them in their own natural territory or surroundings. Many people shut down in an office setting. Either that, or they dive into the dramatics. maybe u want to try meditating further on it and perhaps enquire about windows of opportunities and for recognizing them when they come yr way. It was nice to get yr message! Have a good day and ttyl, lol
    What? lol, sorry but your last message was kind of confusing. What about hygiene? Anyways, I hope you had a good first day of class and remember that I'm here for everything you want ok. Take care of yourself :)
    :) Thanks for the reps yve sent to me also, I just figured them out otherwise I would have thanked u sooner, lol... I remember seeing my first unexplained thing when I was about 31/2 and had 1st moved to Canada with my mom. (My dad came 3 months later)... My mother and I found a little run down house that had been occupied by Hell's Angels before us. In my room, I used to see a greenish/ blue globby thing in the upper left hand corner of my vision. I used to just lie in my bed and watch it move around and change shape in the air, sometimes with it came a woman who would be either on one or the other sides of my bed or abouve my head. She would make cooing sounds at me and smile a lot. She would fade away and re-apear. I usually just felt curious and intereseted in those forms when I saw them. Throughout the yrs, I grew up on Native Indian land, I saw a man (who I could see through) crouching in the grass near a trail when I was riding my horse. My horse started spooking and I had to get off her, it was when I was walking her that I saw him. Even tho I could see the grass behind him, I still saw him and his features; his face looked as scared as my horse. We ran by him as I was scared too, lol. In that house, the lights would go on and off by themselves. I would hear a little child say my name sometimes, usually it would happen when I was in my room doing my homework or during the night when I was awakened between midnight and 3am (after of which I learned is when paranormal energy is at it's height).
    I also saw a sad homeless guy in a parking lot that my two other girlfriends in the car with me at the time, could not se, we kept on driving around looking for him, the only thing we all saw was a blue baloon hovering in the air motionless in the lane of the road on a quiet back street, the next day, I learned that my other friend died in deep sea diving accident when he suffocated due to incorrect mix/amount of oxygen and helium in his tank and then 2 days after, our mutual friend died in a jet skii accident. I have seen a black pillar in an appartment I rented when I had a dog who used to growl and bark at it until we both saw it disappear. I have seen strage glowing boxes on the side of the highway throughout my life, my younger sister used to see them too, our parents never could see the boxes tho. The last vision worth mentioning that I saw was about 12 yrs ago. I saw a flowing waterfountain like presence on my stairway, it flowed while I looked at it, it went on for like 3 or 4 minutes. It made me feel very happy. Eventually, the drops stopped falling as much, it thinned out and eventually just sort of disapated. I felt compelled to go up my stairs, I felt guided to my bed where I sat and held out my arms. I began to feel a baby in my arms, I believe it was the daughter that I lost due to a late miscarriage. I held her for a while, then she too faded away, I felt sad, yet happy to have held her. 5 yrs ago, I was working with a dying patient and he was slipping into a coma stage. The day before he died, I was doing his mouth care when he slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me. He looked around at the side of his bed and then back to me. He smiled at me and said: "Hi Maria, it's very nice of you and yr daughter to have come and visited me today". I said, "O it's nice to see you too... what color is my daughters skin?" He said, "it's very dark". (My fiance at that time was East Indian/Carribian.) He was the father of my baby girl who died. It was funny, when I saw her, she had light skin, but that patient confirmed to me that if she had lived, she would have become darker as she grew up. So, there r more occasions that I saw things but those r the main ones that I can tell u that r of interest! How about yrself, have u ever sen a ghost? :)
    yeahh! they're one of the bands I like
    many actually it's hard to pick...btu if I had to it's probably stand my ground, or Ice
    Hey what's up, how are you doing? So I'm finally finished with all my things today...well...not exactly lol, I still need to do laundry but I'll do that later. So how you've been today, what did you do? Well first off, my first name is Pedro Ivan and you can either call me "Pedro" or "Ivan" or both haha I really don't mind. I want to ask what's yours but I don't think your dad would permit that would he? Anyways and in regards to a book I would like to memorize it would be "The Republic" by Plato.


    What would you like it to happen this year? Anything that you want.
    No! How could you say you're bothering me...No no no no no times 10000...NO! It's just one of those mechanisms that I switch to from time to time and I don't do it because someone is being abnoxious or anything but it's an automatic thing. Most people don't understand when I say this but I understand that they think that I'm a jerk when I go into this mode but there's no other way of me of "recharging", it just happens. But please don't say things such as "If I'm bothering you just tell me"because you're not. It's frustrating that I can't explain this "switch"to anyone because 99% of the times people would still think that I just don't want to talk to them. But please don't say things like that again, I'm really getting fond of you and wouldn't like you to get this impression.

    I actually was thinking of joining the police force along time ago, maybe I will in the future but who knows, lots of things can happen.

    Yeah, those eyes are great, kind of intimidating but really beautiful.

    "I'm God" that's what I would like my shirt to say :D

    Thanks for the compliment about the picture, it's that I'm experimenting with the Control Panel, I also want to change my display profile but I don't know how to do it.

    What is your favorite thing to do in a rainy day?

    I guess this is going to be my last post for tonight, I need to wake up early tomorrow because I have some errands to do :(. So sleep well and remember that you have me here for as long as you want ok.
    I won't deny it, yeah, I have a very good intuition. Sometimes to my disadvantage as well when I have to deal with people who I know have bad intentions and have no way to prove it.

    Those seem like reasonable turn ons and turn offs, especially about the hygiene I forgot to mention that one as well :D

    I've never seen purple eyes, they must be quite intense to see them. My eyes are brown too so don't feel bad haha

    Oh, you'll know when I need my space. I usually don't come to the forums for a long time or don't call people for over a month, block my contacts in facebook and Messenger and do all kinds of weird stuff so people don't bug me LOL, I know that sounds kind of rude but I have to do it otherwise I go insane and get grouchy.

    People can show their love to me by just being there when I need someone to talk to.

    What task or project have you have been procrastinating about for a long time?!
    I love all types of music (if it's got a rhythm I'll be bouncin' my head). But I especially love trance/techno/electronic music. :D

    I've been listening to a lot of classical lately however, there's so much raw emotion behind the music. I try to bring myself to tears listening to it. :)

    What about yourself, what kind of music are you into?
    I try not to be too fast on things that require a warm up first, but I get quite impatient if there's no progress along the way. I laughed at "I usually mess somthing simple up" because I do that all the time, so we better becareful in not going as fast as we do :)

    I don't know why I knew, I just did :p, does it make sense? LOL

    I don't think you've asked this before so:
    Turn ons: Looking at other people's eyes and knowing that they're sincere, appreciation to others, being humble, having an undivided attention to what I'm saying and of course an attractive body as well. :D
    Turn offs: Being snobish, a jerk, impolite and completely oblivious that I want some space. There may be more but I don't remember them lol I'm curious about yours as well

    For the second question I think I lack jeoulosy, I'm not at all jealous...or I think Lol. In respect to being possessive it depends in what context it's given. I might be possessive with certain things but overall my ex girlfriends have told me that they get frustrated with me because I don't get jealous at them when other guys are flirting and hitting at them. May be true or may be not, who knows *shrugs*

    Fill in the blank: Today I'm feeling (blank) because I (blank)
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