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  • why not? I'm hear to listen to you, so don't feel bad and besides we all do it from time to time :), you need help on something?
    ahhh, I see what u were getting at now :) Yes indeed I agree with u too... they get grounded usually as a punishment, that seems to work!
    Sorry I had an internet issue yesterday that's why I disconnected so abruptly. How's your day? What are you up to?
    That was what I had hoped to make clear in the message about what it's like to be a mother. There is a greater love that I want to try and convey in a "friend" way to them than in an "unaproachable way". I want them to feel they can come to me first, rather than to go to their friends and shut me out of their lives. I am chosing to parent this way because my parents were useless in that and they still are, so I never could turn to them or depend on the for support... this is why I mentioned it because when I was young, it was very important to me to have them there for me, and when I understood at such a tiny age that they weren't, it was a grievious thing to accept but I had to. I want to help raise them emotionally, not have them raise themselves. Imagine getting yelled at, punnished, yr privacy invaded or even beaten for expressing yr feelings and speaking out at what u feel and see around u as wrong? My kids will know I am safe, and a friend to them.
    De que estas celosa? El japones esta muy interesante. Cuano hayas aprendido el espa
    chemistry in spanish you say "quimica". I'm SOOOO glad that you got a good chemistry teacher, that class gave me a pain in the fanny all the way in high school.

    Ahorita estoy haciendo tarea de Japon
    HI!!! I was angry because of a fight with my parents,but now i am more on the lonely side...*sigh*
    stop sign in the middle of the road??!? what would you do about that? lol should we stop?
    omg, i know nothing loool
    yeahhh!!! they've been hectic .but now it's getting easier
    AT LEAST i can stay in my lane when i am driving lol
    you? how are your lessons going?
    Having kids is easy for me because I have always been used to having a LOT of responsibility and hard work. When I was young, I had to raise myself for the most part, with the exception that my mother was a very good cook so I didn't have to make my own meals! I am an ok cook, I work full time tho and have the girls %70 of the time and my x husband has them %30 time. (on the court papers) altho in reality, I have them for what seems like %90 time and that's just FINE with me. Having kids is exsausting and I feel very tired very often. I feel a huge sense of responsibility too because I want them to grow up happy and healthy, and I try every day to never make the same mistakes that my parents made. I try every day to manage the guilt that comes naturally with parenthood, so that I can try and maintain confidence that the life I am living and providing in for us, is going in a healthy direction... When I was a child, I was very quiet. My oldest daughter is very extroverted and we clash often, my youngest is quieter and more intuned with me somehow, so it seems as tho Anna and I get along better than me and Emmali do. Motherhood comes with a reward that there is no words for. People over time have worded it in several ways, in books, movies and in conversation. Myself tho, I can't explain it. The best way I could say it is if I were to describe how I behave when I am at my happiest and my most appreciative moments with them. I guess that would have me look like I am leaning against the wall watching them play inside while I have dinner going on the stove, or sitting outside with my cigar (yes I smoke cigars, how yucky, lol), watching them ride their bikes or hang out with our dog. I think in those moments, I just get a lot od emotions that cause me to feel moved while quietly watching them while they r engaged in something. Sometimes it takes me back top my youth, but I try not to go there, so I cannot draw from many memories of the pasat to help me relate to them in play. I think I bond the best with them when we are talking about things. I want to be their friend, I try to be, but sometimes I feel the effects of my fear for them in this life, so I hear myself sound frustrated rather than supportive at certain times for certain reasons if that makes sense. I do try tho, to stay aware of what I am feeling and acting like, and to try and stay aware of their feelings and thoughts too, and their reasons for behavior in the ways that they r. I think that to be a good parent, I need to play detective a lot, but not to play a nosy and unapproachable, scary and in reaction mode, detective. I try to be the mother who they can feel safe to talk to about things in their lives...
    My oldest daughter Emmali (Emily) is 11, she will b 12 on january 10th. My youngest daughter is Anna, she is 7 and will be 8 soon on october 10th. Its funny that both their birthdays r on the 10th.

    I see yr birthday will b coming up soon at the end of november!! How is it being 16 these days? I'm afraid at almost 40, I feel quite out of touch with the trials and turbulations of teenage life in this day and age. I suppose it is not too dissimilar to when I was 16, but I'm sure it has it's differences. :) Anyways, I hope yr well and happy in life. Would u like children of yr own one day? I always knew I wanted kids. I know it sounds strange, but I always felt as tho I knew and loved my girls even when I was a child myself and while growing up. I just couldn't wait to met them!
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