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  • L'arc en ciel, it's a japanese band. I really like it. There's a song called "Shine" that I get very emotional about because a friend that I fell in love with a long time ago used to listen to this song. The english lyrics are just fantastic as well
    I'm alright, can't complain. Just starting to do my homework and listening to some music. :D
    Thank you.

    So here is a question. Assuming you are heterosexual (please say so if you are not), how would you like to meet the love of your life and how would you want to get to know that person so that you can be in a relationship with them?
    Thanks my Birthday went rather well. Its not so great being 24. But what I'm gonna

    got some money and that is always
    Hi sweetie. You can write to me whenever you want and you don't have to worry about sounding weird. In fact I didn't think anything you said was weird and I really appreciate the compliments.

    So, how is the quest to find an ENTP in your area? Or was it an ENFP... I just briefly skimmed over your about me. Good luck on that and I hope you are doing well. :D
    Tired because I haven't gotten enough sleep lately because people are noisy. Confused for reasons I can't begin to explain. I basically need to decide what to do with my life, and I can't even decide what to do for dinner tonight.
    I woudn't worry that much about not making sense, sometimes that happens to me where I would have unreasonable fears that come out from nowhere. You should go outside for a while and get your mind clear of clutter that you might have stored somewhere. You should make your own blog, it really helps you in times like these
    Why are you scared? What's going on? You can PM me if you want to talk about it.
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