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  • It's going great! I'm listening to some of The Rasmus, drinking a tasty cappuccino and ready to head back home in a couple of hours. I have so many things to do once I get there. I love to have things to do lol

    Are you feeling a little better today? How's your mood?
    lol, yeah I saw the video and it's awesome! It has a catchy rhythm, I'm going to have it in my head all day :D

    Well, I'm planning to post one entry per week so that way I can have more ideas on what to put. I also posted some pictures in my album in my forum profile if you want to check them out. It's pictures from Mexico, where I'm living right now, and Florida.
    Thanks. I shall keep you updated. I'm leaving, I shall see you tomorrow or whenever I see you again, hope you have a fantastic night. Later
    I'm afraid that if I showed some of the images of the types of things I see here, I would be thrown out of the forum :( but if you want I can give you the link to the blog

    I'll be sure to post some images of the atrocities being commited here. Thanks for your support :)
    Nah, not in Japan, I would like to do something about my country first. It's way to messed up for me to leave it like that
    Speaking of is your Spanish coming along? Anything you need help on?
    Thank you so much for that sweetie, I want more of your ideas lol, I'll try to post the introduction of my blog here so you can comment on it more.

    So you're doing chemistry are you? eeew, sorry, I just have a really terrible bias against chemistry. It still gives me goosebumps from just thinking about it :(
    Arigato(which means thanks), those are really good ideas, I'm starting an introduction as to the purpose of the blog is going to be. Mainly I'm talking about the injustices and violence that my city has presenced. But be sure that I'll include your points that you mentioned they're really good ones, especially the vegitarians ones. Maybe when I'm finished with my post I'll send you the link so you can give me your opinion about it. It would really help. So what are you doing right now?
    Don't worry, like I said before, I like to hear your stuff too so don't feel ashamed of sharing them with me. As for me, I'm doing a blog on about ways we can help the planet and how we can start a group regarding that. Though, I'm having a mental block and don't know what else to say lol
    Wow, that must've been a traumatic experience, thankfully you came out alright out of that. Defineatly sleeping helps to relieve stress and I was also tired because I had to pick up my dad from the bus station at 5 in the morning and I only slept like 2 hours the day before so I was quite beat.

    So my advice to you is to get a good rest, think happy thoughts and if you want we can keep talking as much as you want :D
    Hello! Well let me start by saying that I just woke up, I took a little nap this afternoon and turned into a full days sleep, I'm kind of pissed off that my saturday went by really quick :(. My family is ok but I'm leaving tomorrow back to the U.S so I"m not very happy about that lol. So what are you doin right now? Stop stressing alot, take deep breaths and enjoy this magnificent evening. :D
    aw, junior high! i remember those days!
    they are a bit stressful, i hope you han gin there and do well :)
    HAHAH!! i already did that once ..oops :p
    someone i care about who's asking to stop caring about him...especially now that he's desrtouing himself, with sex, alcohol and drinks...he's shutting me out pretty much, and we got into a fight because of it
    ans you? what's stressing you ?
    oh well, it's guy trouble for me lol
    always, the guys...
    what can we do, we can't live without them we can't live without them
    aw, what's wrong?
    a typical INFJ lonely night? or guy trouble? lol
    you can vent to me, I am sure I can relate a way or another lol
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