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  • I actually do everything fast, and I actually read all of your posts. I usually skim things through but not with important things.

    I liked that idea about the league, it would be awesome :D and of course you would be one of the top bosses in our clan hehe

    An So stands for "significant other" and I for some reason knew you were going to pick the option that you chose.

    My least favorite animal is the Scorpion. I just don't like them, they give me a bad vibe everytime I see them and when you live in a desert you surely stumble upon those quite frequently.

    Do you wake up easily in the morning or require coffee, exercise, or something else to get you going?
    Hi there! :)

    I was reading your about me, I'm sorry to hear that high school is tough for you :( It was tough for me as well, I used to get picked on for being the fat kid =/

    Your life goals are very admirable, I'm imagining you counseling your ... (what is the counseling equivelent to a patient?? hehe) "clients" over a nice game of tennis :D

    If only we lived closer, I'd definitely come visit and say hi :)
    I loved reading your posts I could really relate to that, especially the part of being an outcast, not so much bullied, but I was totally a loner in High School. I didn't have any friends whatsoever but it was probably because once somebody knew something about me and wanted to be my friend I never wanted to see them again and usually I would avoid them and hide in the library. Please don't apologize for telling me about yourself, I'm loving the fact that you're telling me all this stuff, I actually want to read it lol, so please don't be afraid to talk about it ok?

    Yes, I want to be like Zorro or like the Count of Monte Cristo hehe it would be nice to do some ass kicking to the thugs out there.

    Those friends that you mentioned seem quite nice, you should definetly embrace them and keep them close, there are few people out there that really deserve our trust and respect. Even though some might be far away you should give them a call once in a while and if you can go visit them and tell them how much they mean to you. I'm afraid life's too short and you never know if you will see them again.

    Here's another question for you:
    What would you appreciate your SO to do more: bring you flowers, doing something for you without being asked or to take you on a "date".
    The Santa emoticon was hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing :D

    I like shopping for books too, it's my hobby. Especially philosophical ones, I'm starting to read The Prince by Machiavelli and I just finished with The Pigs that Want to be eaten. I love to read and like you said "about things I'm interested in".

    I don't know if it's a guy thing but I just hate standing around the stores looking for "things', I'm always on the move and expect others to be the same, so that's why I'm always by myself :( but I guess that's ok.

    C'mon I know you will be ready you just have to believe in yourself. You believe in me and I with no doubt believe in you and if you have any question(not just spanish) you can tell me. Except Chemistry, I totally suck at chemistry. It's been the only class in my life that I failed at and not only that I had to take it twice. What's your worse class/best class?

    You're never nosy and you're actually one of the few people I can talk like this to, so I don't know what you're doing but you're doing something lol.

    Random question:
    Describe your best friend and tell me what do you like about him'/her the most?
    Noooo, I really don't like shopping. I'm one of those guys that go to a store, go exactly to the item they're looking for, pay for it and then leave. I don't like to linger around and just watching things. My mom however is the other way around, she loves just looking at stuff even if she's not going to buy it. It drives me insane.

    I'm soo happy that I brighten your day, but just to let you know, you brighten it even more ;) so I guess I should be the one giving you the thanks instead of you to me lol.

    So are you ready for school? You start this monday don't you right? In what grade are you in anyways? Sorry for all the question, I can be a little nosy sometimes :p
    Everything is good so far, I've went to visit my mom and took her shopping all day and we're barely arriving, it's sooo hot outside and can't wait for winter lol. I like your new avatar, it seems so peaceful and gives off so much energy, i loved it ^^.

    But how are you my dear cool friend, what did you do today?
    I just noticed that it's kind of late, maybe you should be off to sleep:) I thought it was earlier, like 7 pm but it's already 11:30 *shock*
    ok, now my only duty is to make you happy. So what would my highness like to talk about? You can choose whatever you want ;)
    I'm so sorry, I really didn't want to sadden your day now I feel like an asshole haha but I don't have the enough words to thank you for your sympathy. You'll see, life will give you 10 times more things because of your generosity. I'm sorry that it's not making alot of sense the way you're making me feel by your warmth and words, it's one of those things that can't be expressed through words but rather through feelings.I guess this::hug: comes close enough :)

    My avatar is a peace symbol made by the hands of others. I think this is what the world and me needs at this moment.

    So what's going on your other side? How's your brother? Lol, is he treating you nicely? :D
    Don't worry I'll be fine, I went outside for awhile and got some fresh air. Thank you very much for your response on my blog. I need someone like you in these moments but your words have helped me alot, thank you thank you. I don't want to make you sad because of this, I'm ok, see, I'm even smiling :D lol but thank you.
    you were close in your translation, I said " See you tomorrow and may the angel's watch your sleep" and yes and the basic verb is dormir which means "to sleep" when you conjugate it you would go "duermas". "yo duermo" I sleep, "tu duermes" you sleep,"el/ella duerme" he/she sleeps, "ellos duermen" they sleep and "nosotros dormimos" we sleep.
    I get yelled at by E's who can't understand I don't want to talk on the phone.

    I've found its ok with other I's as they don't seem to mind a pause in talk so much.
    In regards to your quick note, I sense a little frustration with that. Did I do something wrong?
    No offense to your mother but I just don't think I would never do such a thing to my child of putting them in a leash. It just gets me kind of upset to see people do that. It's kind of natural for children who are barely trying to explore the world to be wondering around. I was like that too and I didn't get leashed but I got spanked...big time:D I don't know which one is the lesser of the two evils.

    I actually laughed at your comment, but haven't you heard that the older the better they get :p, so there, right back at ye!

    I don't think it's because of my looks that girls tend to get like this with me but rather because they are like that with everyone. I really need to put attention into who I put my eyes into, I don't want to feel pain like that again. So my advice to you is to listen to your dad about giving yourself some space with the guys you date, avoid clinging lol, that word sounds a little odd.

    Your bf was lucky that he didn't get caught, I was actually seperated from my first girlfriend for this reason, the only difference was that I was (18) and she was (17). I had to move to a different place because her parents didn't want me close to her. How ridiculous was that?!

    I loved your heaven picture. That would definitely be my paradise as well.Especially eating all that you wanted without getting fat lol

    If there is a perfect mate for everyone it would be sort of impossible to figure that out since there is more than 6 billion people in Earth. It would take me a looooong time to find out, but I would like to believe that there's a soul mate for me out there. How about you?

    Where would you like to be this instant? You can choose whichever place you like and explain the first things you would do in such place.
    Wow, that must've been some wild fight lol. But you did the right thing and defended your brother. I would've done the same thing.

    Hey, you asked to describe my ideal mate and I did^^. will it ever become a reality? I doubt it. and yeah, no more INFP's for me or at least not like the ones I've encountered so far.

    I actually had to look the word "clilngers" in the dictionary because I didn't know what it was but now I know:D. But yeah, I don't want people overly attached and those have been most of my problems with other girls in the past...overly needy. I'm actually not 5'9 I'm a bit shorter(5'7) but with my shoes on I'm 5'9. You see, if you were a little bit older we would be perfect for each other:D, but alas I'd probably go to jail if I just tried to even give you a small kiss LOL, so no, I'm afraid not :(


    Describe how you think heaven looks like? Or if you're atheist, explain what do you think would happen if there is no after life?
    They are very dark brown almost black. Sometimes they look hazel though I don't know why.

    You got expelled?! *faints from disbelief* How? Why?let me ask that

    You shouldn't had apologized, she deserved that and more but I guess you did the best noble thing, good for you.

    My ideal mate*thinking really really hard* I think I responded a thread similar to this question so I'll just copy and paste it.

    Physical attributes:
    About the same height as me (5'9)
    Long hair
    No tatoos and no piercings(maybe in the nose but a small one)
    Soft skinned
    Mysterious eyes(I love eyes)
    Slender body
    Medium-sized breast to small
    Thin lips
    Personality: Gives me my space
    Wants to take relationships at a slow but intimate level
    Likes adventures
    A person who is intellectually curious
    Romantic but not mushy.
    That's more or less what I'm looking for in a relationship


    What inspires you?
    Haha no it's the opposite, I have really few pictures of myself in fact. The others I have are totally random and too embarrased to show them in public LOL

    I like Sasuke because I really identify with him, he seems really aloof and detached and nobody understands him, but I do :D

    It was depressing but just. Light Deserve what he got, I don't pity him at all.

    This made me laught "When I meet him, I must be able to tell immediately that he is a guy.", LOL, I'm assuming that most people where you live don't look like guys :D, or do they? Please elaborate haha

    I like my eyes alot. I like eyes in general. I can fall in love by just looking at them.


    Why did you decide to join this forum in the first place?

    I was reading your post about how the girls in your school were talking bad about you, how rude of them to do that! How can they do something like a person so sweet as yourself? It's not fair. Don't listen to them, they are a bunch of dumb brats.
    The hardest part for me was getting through the classes that you don't actually need for the major, haha. I have an irrational hatred of math. But weirdly, I was never really an A student until I discovered what I wanted to do. Then, school became so fascinating that studying was actually fun :)
    You should put a picture of yourself :D, I just get bored of seeing the same thing all the time haha. I'm now changing the one for my facebook as well but I can't find a good one :(

    I guess an embarassing item I have that I don't tell people about is probably a CD in spanish of a band that are hated by most in my country called "RBD", it's kind of a Pop genre but I no longer listen to them, not because I don't like them but because they haven't come up with new cd's lately. I like Naruto too, if you like anime you should definetly watch Death Note, it's a really great show.

    I've noticed that you're really trying to find your purpose in life. Do you have the slightest idea of what it may be? Any signs?

    Some traits that I don't like about other people: Disrespect towards others, having no consideration and having no tact to say delicate things that might otherwise hurt other people's feelings.

    How would your ideal prince in shiny armor look like?
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