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  • I analogize everything why math.

    math is the only thing that can be proven.
    The only why to disprove me is to disprove my application of mathematics to a given situation.
    but people are afraid of math,
    so this will never happen.

    for example
    let my analogy equal a.
    a = a
    a cannot not equal a, you see.
    I became so disgusted with the
    thread I stopped reading a little
    more than halfway through the
    first post.

    You did mention cf :P

    My apologies.
    Thanks for the reply...Sleepless in Seattle is actually one of my favorite movies, too. I don't know, it just seems like a great place to live but you know how the grass looks greener on the other side. It's nice to hear that people who actually live there like it too. :)
    Hey! hopefully this isn't too weird, but I noticed from one of your posts that you live in Seattle. If you don't mind sharing, I wanted to ask your opinion about living in the Pacific Northwest -- pros and cons, if you like or dislike it, and why. The reason I'm curious is that I'm considering moving to the general region for school, but have absolutely no idea what it's actually like to live there. An 'insider' opinion from another INFJ would be great. :)
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