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  • i dont know, never tried it. is it like mbti? do you know of a good website so i can take it?
    and thats what i dont like about it. they judge me based on my age. i feel the very best when i hear the most gut-renching stories. i mean, i dont feel good initially, but then i start thinking about it and how to solve it and i get really optimistic and stuff. and i love love love when people open up to me. it's a great feeling and makes up for any bad feelings people's issues might give me. the worse the situation, the more id be able to help.
    it's like the only thing that makes me feel really good, and they think i cant handle that? its just very frustrating...

    (sorry if this sounded like it was directed to you personally. it wasnt.)

    and lol, theyre a large part of you indeed. :)
    Thank you. Yeah, it gets me anxious in a bad way because I feel like I should be out there healing people. ive found my good talent, and yet i cant utilize it in the way i want today. i feel like im going to waste at this point. i want to volunteer but they never let you interact with troubled people, all they let you do is administration crap.
    I see what you mean. i think its important to listen to people who need to vent only, but i dont think i could ever make that my job. im very dramatic in my thinking, i think, because i want to change lives, i want to feel like i made a huge difference. that makes me feel so alive!

    aww, maybe it's my swedishness. :P i dont really agree tho, i only see flaws (and that goes for every other aspect of my life as well). there is something about your eyes or maybe the shape of whats around your eyes that makes you stand out. i cant quite but my finger on what it is but it makes you really pretty =)
    and lol i remember that anon confession about your "rack", haha. creepy but kind of flattering i guess :)
    i guess you mean counseling like listening and nurturing as opposed to actively help?
    i dont think id make a good conventional counselor. it seems to be a job with no heart, just an interest for why people do the things they do.
    i see myself rather being like a social worker on speed. id love to work really closely with my patients and offer my personal experiences as opposed to just sitting there quietly.
    id love to work in a mental hosp or a prison.
    whats the difference between chem and organic chem?

    i wanna be a counselor. id be awesome at it! i can understand any point of view and can relate to pretty much any situation. /end pretentiousness.
    i guess thats infj qualities, or maybe just my own weirdness.
    I'd go for teaching. I don't like chem stuff at alllll. so i might be a bit biased lol.
    teaching seems more diverse. what ages would you teach?
    im a psych major.
    Oh, yeah totally. i tend to ignore it lately, lol.
    ive had to argue my side sometimes and its just annoying so i try to stay away.
    but its a bit funny how people will start arguments over the weirdest things.
    are you in school? if so, have you decided on a major?
    Lol people do keep saying I'm a free spirit. I guess I am, I always listen to and follow my emotions and stuff.
    what do you mean about the tension? i dont quite follow, sorry.
    Sounds good! I thought your name was Laurel... d'oh.
    Hm, i guess i wish i had a deeper meaning to my name. i just kind of like any word with the word "aero" in it.
    so, did you change your name on here due to feeling more centered lately?
    i feel good. school stresses me out a lot but it's fine right now.
    Many things. I don't know jack about cars. The coolent tank cracked which messed up stuff like the serpentine belt(came off) and then the motor casing or something cracked and also some kind of vacuum was leaking.
    I do the same thing so no worries.

    My car is still in the shop *grumblegrumble* should be ready today though.
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