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  • Hey bro. I miss talking with you about doing geeky things to your car, about you trying to get me yelled by my wife, and I certainly miss hanging out with you. You was more than just a bet friend to me, you was like a brother.

    Thank you for all that you have taught me through the years.

    Until I see you again, I love you.
    Hard to call you John because I never really knew you the way you wanted to be known. I will call you NAI, because that's who I knew.

    You were very supportive when I first posted on the forum. Thx.

    John, I miss you so much, like you have no idea.
    I was singing the other day, just a song that I made up, but it reminded me of you.
    You're always in my thoughts, encouraging me to keep going even when the path is full of gnarled branches and thorns,

    You made sure that I didn't make any bigger of a deal out of something than necessary,
    You listened to all my insanity, and it made sense to you,
    You listened to me whenever I had a problem, and never hesitated to help....and in a way, you still do.
    I enjoy our talks in the morning, right when you wake me up with the sunshine,
    the way your breath tickles my shoulders when you laugh at one of my jokes,
    and the way you send a hug warmth my way when I am feeling down.

    You may be gone from here, but I know you're hanging around upstairs causing INTP mischief XD

    Thank you. :hug:
    You're still in my thoughts, John. Sometimes, when I have a hard time getting motivated, I imagine you're there, cheering me on. I miss you terribly.
    I miss you like you have no idea. I always look up at the sky and think about you. I wish I would have been there for you, I should have answered your message.
    Remember when you used to cheer me up on my bad days?

    I selfishly wish you were around. Miss you.
    Hey man... I remember when I played for you; glad you enjoyed the piece. Wish I could have done it more...
    God John.

    Horribly, there's this great part of me that is envious.


    I miss you and having someone to talk to about this.
    I have been avoiding coming to your profile and visiting the page for you on facebook for a long time now. I think I might be in denial still that you're gone. I've had a few dreams about you actually. At first, you were just on the peripheral of my mind, I could feel your presence there, I knew it was you but you never really materialized. Eventually I had a dream where we had a conversation and you seemed to be pretty happy and at peace. I guess since then I've been feeling better about all this but I think I've let reality slip away a little and maybe have even been avoiding it altogether by not stopping by.

    I miss you.
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